zen lei
berenjena   Andalucia, Spain
THE 👏👨 MILLION DOLLAR ❎💵 QUESTION: 😎❓ Will 👋📌 you 😬 go to 💦 Heaven when 🙃🕛 you 👉 die? 🙀 Have ♂ you 👨👧 lied, stolen, used 🚟📅 God’s 🙏🏻 name 🤦🤔 in vain, lusted (Which 😩 Jesus said 💖❤ was ⚕ adultery in 👏 Mt. 5-28)? 😂 If 👏🤥 so, 💯👟 God sees 😲 you ♂👈 as a 🅱👏 liar, thief, blasphemer, and 🌚🚨 adulterer at 😂 heart. 💔 If you die 💀🙀 in your 📕 sins 😩😩 you 🔥 will 👌 end 🔚✋ up 👭🙅 in 🍆🏢 a 👀 terrible 🤦🤦 place 🏢 called 📞 Hell. 🅱😡 But 🍑 there’s good news, 🦑📰 Though 🤔 we 🏻 broke 😤📉 God’s 🎅 law, 👩⚖ Jesus paid the 👨 fine 👌♀ by dying 👌 on the 📐 cross. “God 👳 so 👟 loved the 💦 world that 🤓 He 👉☝ gave His only begotten Son, 👦 that 👌😐 whoever 👍😏 believes (trusts) in 🍌 Him 😨😨 should not perish but have 🈶💢 everlasting life” 🤔 (Jn. 3-16). 🥜🕑 Then Jesus 😇 rose from 👈 the 🎆 dead and ➕💰 was 👨👍 seen 👄 by 👏 hundreds of 💦 eyewitnesses. if 😂 you’ve 👉🍆 made 🤗 it this 😍 far, 🌌 please, 🙏 repent ✝ and trust in 🌋 Jesus and what 😨😱 he 👦 did 👄 for 💰🍆 you 💦 on 🤤🔛 the cross. You 👉😤 have 💴👃 a 🎁🏿 promise from 🙃 the 💰⚰ God ✝💦 who 🤔💁 cannot ❌ lie 😱❎ that 😐🚟 he ♂ will 🍆👏 forgive every sin you’ve 🏿🗣 committed 💰 or 💰 ever 🅱😚 will commit 🗡🗡 and 🌈 grant you everlasting life 😂💓 as a 👨 free 🏻 gift.
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ericaaa 26 Eki 2023 @ 13:55 
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(good boy<3)
Marss † 25 Tem 2023 @ 15:01 
+rep Xupala
ericaaa 25 Tem 2023 @ 15:00 
Marss † 25 Tem 2023 @ 13:16 
Good boyfriend <3