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mmm gun time
Публикувана 3 юли 2019.
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Completely deleted my old review because it centered around microtransactions, and these guys, being the cool devs they are, decided to be one of the first to remove microtransactions from the game. Good job overkill, lets try increasing free DLC a bit too!
Публикувана 16 октомври 2015. Последно редактирана 12 юни 2016.
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the game is okay. the game isn't necessarily bad, it's just for more arcade shooter players compared to the more oldschool-challenge based players that one would find among the Killing Floor 1 community playerbase. The game essentially encourages you to pick non-synergistic classes such as firebug and survivalist by throwing in things like elite clots and robots with stun mechanics, that essentially take 500% less headshot damage, and insist to be taken down via shooting the torso, or even the arms for christ sake. This kind of difficulty, a person who enjoyed Killing Floor 1 will not find fun. Beyond that, the season pass weapon bundles are a sham. I bought the deluxe edition of the game when it came out in Alpha in 2015, expecting them to add the further weapon addition bundles or something like in the first game, but when they make it an entirely different purchase for an already $40 baseline game, that's just way too much for (overpowered) weapons that really take the remote challenge the game has to begin with, out entirely. I'd say it's closer to something like a sandbox on Minecraft today than it is to the Killing Floor 1 that a lot of players have grown to love for its lack of sprint and niche mechanics that were life or death in many unpredictable situations. This game is officially a flop sadly, and I hope to god that the developers see this review from a person that has over 1400 hours in both games, and take the idea to improve on the difficult concepts more in KF1 than they have taken them and thrown them to the arcade casuals in Killing Floor 2. This is one of few franchises that has a shot at genuine competitive aspects, with the likes of Controlled Difficulty in KF2 and FakedPlayers matches in KF1, one can seemingly endlessly ramp up the difficulties as is, so long as one or so of the team members knows some of the coding or mod management necessary to host and/or play on a server of this increased difficulty. I have a friend or two today that still play Controlled Difficulty on KF2, and for the most part, these more hardcore people use the mod to get rid of the arm-shot zeds, and everything that makes the game tediously un-fun and a dull challenge, while keeping in some of the brighter concepts of the stun mechanics that are used to keep players still or fog their vision, even. Tripwire, you have serious potential for your next installment of the game to be the single biggest zombies franchise in the world. Don't blow this next game appeasing to the pay2win gun DLC bundles and the upgrade system as much, focus it on adding intense techs into the game that the player base of KF1 grew to love, and you'll find that by simply adding the varying difficulties, you can easily appease to both the casual players, and the hardcore veteran zombie slayers, that will yet in still probably add a mod to KF3 that will enable the team to face an evermore difficult wave of zeds. Screw weapon upgrades, screw dull challenges, and especially screw un-fun absurd paywalls that aren't even unlocked through buying the """deluxe edition""" of the game. Make the majority of your gun content free, put real thought into the fun-provoking difficulty of the game, and give modders plenty of space off the rip to increase the difficulty harder than Hell on Earth, and you will find much more success in your game in that the playerbase won't fall off to quitting the game after 1 match a day, 1 match a week, or 1 match a month... for me, KF2 is probably 1 match never again. It's been uninstalled for over a year, and despite even having these Controlled Difficulty pals that still hang out some, I genuinely don't find myself wanting to touch the game because of these ridiculous difficulty barriers that happen between the stupid zed mechanics added for arcade-style casuals, and the rip-off between buying the deluxe game and not recieving any set of "DLC weapons" from it. Do better, Tripwire.

Your humble fan,
Публикувана 24 април 2015. Последно редактирана 24 ноември 2022.
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1,840.5 изиграни часа (782.5 часа по време на рецензията)
10/10 dosh simulator - but is actually fun game -

EDIT2022 - I, and presumablty many keyboarders alike, sit here at a chair for hours and hours on end wondering if I'll even be able to get a two player game of any given difficulty above hard with somebody who won't leave the game the immediate they get wiped wave 3 with one weapon. Among the trials and tribulation brought by game and its given technological advances in the Unreal Engine, I will be truly delving into the pros and cons of what I personally have come to love as a game that I would recommend fit for any challenge seeking co-op fanatic.

_servers running in some of the most remote parts of the world, giving ping balance to almost any friend you could partner up with given both internet connections are immaculate. Ping can also be a downside as well, which will be explained further along.
_difficulty can range from anywhere from 'my 4 year old could beat this with his eyes closed' to painstaking microsecond turnarounds or death.
_mod community not only in the sense of different game modes and firearms, but downloadable content to where you can put 'fakedplayers' into games and give yourself as a solo player on the hardest difficulty the challenge and healthspan of a 4+ player match, and thensome.
_economy is very punishing on top of hard game, making some cases near impossible to recover and survive past wave 6 if your team can't compensate what weapons and $ you lost throwing your life to a clot sticking you in place.
_Weld the doors you muppets! very interactable voice command prompt with all the british people.. and featuring robots and exclusive characters alike. DLC on another point.
_IT RUNS! game can run fairly well on laptops at some 30 fps even on higher settings for even the trashiest of mobile laptop joints. but you'll still get frame spikes from a firebug with 1080's and all that.

_The first game is without a doubt far more challenging to any given player than the second game. While the second game is without a doubt more polished and favored toward and given player who likes more casual co-op games, the steeper of a challenge ramp lies in Killing Floor 1 due to its sheer unpolished, mechanic based gameplay which can either be gruelingly slow in the case of kite players who run around the map killing clots with a flare revolver or a support specialist holding a corner with an aa12. Solo Hell on Earth is very possible in both games, but the first game proposes that you have to have good map knowledge and know where to hold or you will get overrun easily and killed if you do not know exactly what youre doing kiting and end up with a superspawn in your face bodyblocking.
_Field Medic is especially different and frankly the elephant in the room that separates the games as their own. Field Medic in KF2 (Killing Floor 2 from here) is far more forgiving and easier going than the KF1 Field Medic. Not only are darts homing to the target in the second game, they give buffs to damage resistance and speed, making it easy to not only out tank a fleshpound, but outrun a raging one even! Field Medic in KF1 had no buffs to stats for medic darts, and half the time even with a heal sound the darts would refuse to register cause ya didn't hit the bloke right. In any case, you as a medic with your improved armor, are the prime source for taking fleshpound and scrake damage late into a KF1 Long game. KF1 fleshpounds will one shot you at 100% HP with no armor, but armor will only melt off and doesnt matter anyways in the second game because your medic tanks you through any threatening hits if hes even halfway good.
_ARMOR. holy ♥♥♥♥ ARMOR in KF1 is FAR MORE IMPORTANT AND NECESSARY than armor in KF2. as I said KF2 armor just melts off! KF1 armor has to be preserved on HoE (Hell on Earth) or you're quite literally one shot killed as anyone except a berserker from a fleshpound, not to mention the DPS coming to your face from surrounding gorefasts, husks, sirens, and you name the rest.
_MECHANICS. the difference is huge ofcourse, but KF2's mechanics are so much more forgiving with stuns and speed versus damage taken to the face. Hitboxes are way more exact in the second game to where half the time map knowledge isn't really necessary if you're flooded with heals.

_Hitboxes. hitboxes in this game as an unreal engine game are infinitely challenging and will never cease to turn something nonthreatening into a wave wipe. if you shoot a clot wrong youre mag dumping instead of 2 bullets max. There are a lot of satisfying hitboxes to memorize, from the headbox to nade splash damage and stackability in AoE.
_Nades. grenades aren't necessarily used as much for damage as an ai pathing throw off. you can save the life of your teammates by throwing a grenade or two at their feet if theyre swarmed, as they will start to move away from the area of the nades as infinitely sentient ai.
_Perks. knowing perk prices and being able to swap between them and drop for eachother as seperate classes saves the economy and the game frankly. do it for your bros or something.

_Guys... if you play the game and don't think DLC deserves it's own hybrid pro and con section... you don't play the game. iunno. some of the dlc is the game is included to cosmetic bandings such as characters and lovely weapons that are shiny and plated, while others single handedly define the meta floor and just how much DPS can be thrown out at one instance. Let's only take the Scythe and the Zed Gun Mk2 for example.
_Scythe has the furthest melee range of all the other melee weapons and if you disagree you've never downloaded a testmap in your lifetime.
_Zed Gun mk2 for a Medic of all players not only helps the true utility of the Field Medic, as the majority of the time you find use bodyblocking and tanking... but has an area of effect to where you could stun an assortment of scrakes and fleshpounds with two alternate fires and make it an absolete threat with a team that knows their works... granted a tight corner changes all this no matter what. Reload I dare you

_New Players. the perk leveling in the game alone makes it almost impossible for even some well experienced game player to get into a given map and know exactly what to do survive every wave and the boss. This being frustrating for new players with slow leveling for their favorite perk, often times you'll come to find people do not want to play the game because the hardest difficulty costs too much with unleveled perks and it takes way too long to level in a leveling map even.
_Community. Idk man I've been a part of the KF1 and KF2 community both for a minute and throughout both trial and tribulations I have not met many more elitists in any other community ever. KF2 is ridiculous but for veteran KF1 players, it really can be so obnoxious to get a new player next to you who wipes within 5 minutes cause theyre wandering and ♥♥♥♥♥ you cause your class or you as a player cant handle 1 ♥♥♥♥♥ player. I myself am trying to SPREAD MAP KNOWLEDGE because 3/4 of the fun of playing the game REQUIRES you to know damn well exactly where to hold and what angles to peak without getting annihaliated by an aimbot husk fireball. That and this elitist span of people has sparked the exact opposite to rise in the community some, including doxers, ddosers, and plenty of internet piraters or whatever they may know to be or bring to someones house over a bodyblock.
_Ping. some servers have horrible tickrate and really set up players for immediate failure, given that internet connection makes the game about an uncountable amount of times harder as headboxes will be placed different and rubber banding will pretty much give zeds extended reach on your tendons

THIS IS ALL THE REVIEW WOULD LET ME FIT so thanks for reading in. there's also mods to give you max perks so download those and learn pipebomb mechanics
Публикувана 29 май 2012. Последно редактирана 18 март 2022.
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