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Közzétéve: 2022. nov. 7., 3:57

When I first started the game I was pretty confused what to do. Once I had a little bug (the watering can sticker disappeared after failing the level twice), so I had to restart the whole game as there aren't saves.

I wished for some voice in the intro and outro but it also works without voiceover. And the music wasn't adjustable in the menu which makes the game turn out very loud.

The idea of this puzzle game is great, it's something new which I didn't see before and I liked the music (even tho it replays a bit too fast) and the atmosphere. It had some tricky parts where you had to think a bit more but it's still nothing too complicated. The story behind this little game is well thought through.

I really hope to see more of this publisher and their art style.
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