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7 av 12 (58%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

Decked Out

Equip any 2 legendary equipment items at the same time
Upplåst 24 jul, 2021 @ 16:46

Team Player

Respawn a teammate
Upplåst 20 mar, 2021 @ 12:26

Fully Kitted

Equip a fully kitted weapon
Upplåst 11 sep, 2021 @ 9:21


Be the Jumpmaster 5 times
Upplåst 20 mar, 2021 @ 11:59

Apex Assault

Win a game as an assault character
Upplåst 24 jul, 2021 @ 16:50

Apex Support

Win a game as a support character
Upplåst 15 feb @ 8:56

Apex Recon

Win a game as a recon character
Upplåst 11 sep, 2021 @ 12:05

The Player

Reach player level 50


Deal 5,000 damage with 8 different Legends

Kill Leader

Become the Kill Leader

Apex Controller

Win a game as a controller character

Apex Legend

Win a game with 8 different Legends