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Be mindful of the voices, ,seciov eht ot netsiL
they will whisper in your sleep. .peels ruoy ni repsihw taht
You are with the chosen, but tub ,nesohc eht htiw era uoY
you must choose for yourself. .seciohc thgir eht ekam tsum uoy
You are cursed with free will. .lliw eerf htiw desruc era uoY
It's not my place to intervene but then, ,thgil eht ot uoy ediug ot ereh era eW
this is merely a dream. .maerd a ylerem si siht fi neve
Make the right choices, ,seciohc thgir eht ekaM
and be mindful of the voices, ,seciov eht fo lufdnim eb dna
for they corrupt. .hturt eht kaeps yeht rof
Summer Wyvern! ☆
47 2 3
Fremhevet kunstverkutstilling
Avali halloween
74 8 7
Welcome to the remote Winter Peak! Venture forth from the cozy warmth of the rover, and feel the frost in the air as you trek out onto the snowy bluff. You may find the local wildlife somewhat shy and elusive, so please maintain a respectful distance to av
5 749 vurderinger
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