Ware Rim
Askat Cheestasticevich   Lwowek Slaski, Jelenia Gora, Poland
        •● W E L C O M E- T O -M Y -P R O F I L E ●•

:csgogun::insurgent:My Bets - 164Win /31Lose:csgogun::insurgent:

"Hey, where'd you get that skill from?":csgohelmet:
Skill got it from my daddy:steambored:
Skill got it from my daddy:steamfacepalm:
Skill got it got it:csgox:
Skill got it from my dad, dad, dad, dad, dad:kungfusam:
Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad:d2lonedruid:
Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, daddy:angrytiger:
Skill got it from my dad, dad, dad, dad, dad:steammocking:
Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad:serioussam:
Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, daddy:steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy:

:steamhappy:Hi you came to my account!- http://nick-name.ru/nickname/id1187354/ If you want to trade I will always be glad to respond to your offer, and if you want to play with me, you can always invite only!:csgogun::csgohelmet: But your team must be calm.Thank you for your attention):steammocking:
:csgoglobe: Sooner or later we will become globals!:csgoglobe:
:kungfusam:➜ Silver 1 : ✔
:kungfusam:➜ Silver 2 : ✔
:kungfusam:➜ Silver 3 : ✔
:kungfusam::➜ Silver 4 : ✔
:kungfusam:➜ Silver Elite : ✔
:kungfusam:➜ Silver Elite Master : ✔
:csgostar:➜ Gold Nova 1 : ✔
:csgostar:➜ Gold Nova 2 : ✔
:csgostar:➜ Gold Nova 3 : ✔
:csgostar:➜ Gold Nova Master : ✔
:csgogun:➜ Master Guardian 1 :✔
:csgogun:➜ Master Guardian 2 : ✔
:csgogun:➜ Master Guardian Elite : ✔
:dqgate:➜ Distinguished Master Guardian : ✔
:eagle:➜ Legendary Eagle :✔
:eagle:➜ Legendary Eagle Master :✔
:csgoglobe:➜ Supreme Master First Class : ✔ -NOW AND FOREVER-:csgogun::csgohelmet:
:csgoglobe:➜ The Global Elite : ✖ <My Main Goal:csgox:

Counter-Strike 2
vas14 13 ก.พ. 2017 @ 12: 17am 
Jingle 9 ก.พ. 2017 @ 11: 23pm 
+rep Good player, pro
1 9 ก.พ. 2017 @ 11: 23pm 
AXL 9 ก.พ. 2017 @ 11: 21pm 
+rep Красавчик классный чувак )
ШОЙГУ 31 ม.ค. 2017 @ 8: 30am 
+rep реально крутой игрок
\''|[V@mPeR]|''/ 31 ธ.ค. 2016 @ 4: 04am 
+rep Четкий тип и хороший игрок:caster_wink: