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投稿日: 2023年11月22日 4時30分
更新日: 2023年11月22日 4時33分

It's like chess with mechs.
Excellent good turn-based strategy with light roguelike elements! Every run will be different from the previous one and every squad has it's strengths and weaknesses.
Story is not that important, save the world from an alien threat (bugs), reminiscent of XCOM.
The gameplay is where this game shines. Always play to your squad's and mech's strengths, it's really well designed when you do.
I played this game a few years back, completed it and shelved it. Even back then the game was a great experience, but after the advanced edition update, which was FREE, I went back in and enjoyed the new pilots and squads they have added.
If you like turn-based strategy games don't miss this one!
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