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기록상 5.1시간 (평가 당시 1.3시간)
Turns out, I'm very bad at math.
2024년 4월 7일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 225.2시간 (평가 당시 142.2시간)
An absolutely amazing game. The freedom of choice and map design are superb. What other game lets you place a rake directly in front of an NPC to make them knock themselves out?

There's a lot that can be said about the questionable monetization strategies, but as a first-time Hitman player none of that mattered to me, and buying the normal World of Assassination bundle was the right choice for me. After playing through the game, I also purchased a DLC containing two extra missions for Hitman 2 for about 10€. If you are confused about the whole WoA thing (like I was), feel free to add me as a friend and ask, or leave a comment on the review.

Achievements are very easy but quite a grind, and the game took me around 140 hours to 100% Steam achievements. However, I am not even close to being done with all the in-game challenges, and it could easily take 3-4x the time to be done with them all.
2024년 3월 7일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 3월 7일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 1,808.3시간 (평가 당시 1,068.2시간)
One of the best idle games, certainly in my top 2.

The game offers deep and complex mechanics (slowly, one by one, mind you). Multiple classes and pets with varying mechanics allow for a plethora of playstyles to choose from. Still, at certain points in the game, some classes are more optimal than others. For the better or worse, this means frequent visits to the wiki and character guides. The Discord server is also a great place for help, resources, and info - simply lurking will be beneficial.

Achievement-wise, do not expect any quick hundos. It is going to take a year or two. However, they are all unlocked by just advancing in the game, so nothing impossible, just time-consuming - nothing unusual for idle games.
2024년 1월 19일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 27.0시간
An overall fun game with quite a bit to do. The story is pretty good and the music is alright. Everything's also voice-acted. Graphics are also an improvement over Thief Simulator.

I did find the story mode to be a bit restrictive when it comes to the tools. Most apartments that you want to break into have entrances that you cannot use because the required tool (such as the Auto Lockpick) is only available later in the story. Most buildings in the rich area also have alarms in the windows, so you are forced to use a single entry point such as an upstairs window by climbing on some boxes.

Movement-wise, I prefer that of American Theft over Thief Simulator (1). That is mostly because I find it more unrestricted, though that may not be intended. For example, I don't think you could run on fences in Thief Simulator, but in this game that is possible: you can climb on a container, jump onto a fence, run across it, and jump to the roof. As said, though, that is probably not fully intended because it allows for pretty hacky entries and it also totally breaks the somewhat questionable AI.

As for some improvements I'd like to see more skill upgrades, especially ones that have to do with stamina and fatigue. Right now a single brawl raises fatigue to like 70% so you are screwed if you get caught again - which you inevitably will if you have to run away on foot because the character runs out of stamina very quickly. Also, any collision with a police car breaks your car, so that's also something I'd like to change. As a final one, I would love more outfits that do not have equipment restrictions.
2024년 1월 17일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 146.4시간 (평가 당시 122.9시간)
A very simple idle game that has taken some influence from a certain video game.

In general
The game is a typical incremental game where you progress through different Biomes, upgrade equipment and pickaxes, and then Prestige to start from the beginning.
Different Pickaxes can be crafted or found from chests, and each has a Power that can be activated every few minutes. These vary from one-hitting blocks to dimension warping and time manipulation.
There are also multiple abilities to be found and upgraded.

The game has some quite tricky ones that may take a year or two to obtain - mostly because they are from seasonal events, such as the Winter event (4 achievements), that, you know, only happens during the winter, once a year.
2024년 1월 16일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 11.1시간
앞서 해보기 평가
Something important to note is that this is not an idle game. You have to play actively.

The game provides a vast variety of spells from different schools and systems for the player to focus on. While at times a bit overwhelming, the game does not really force them onto the player, and they can focus on one at a time.
A brilliant feature I will mention separately is the augmentation system: spells can be modified in different ways, offering a tradeoff between the spell's stats. For example, by sacrificing some of the spell's power, the spell can have a lower cooldown.
The amount of different spells and the augmentation system creates a playground for testing different combos and strategies.

I am also a fan of the music and the visuals of the game - it sounds and looks great.

All that being said, the reason I am not recommending the game is that the gameplay - essentially composed of casting spells, crafting stuff, and upgrading skills - is neither interesting nor engaging enough to justify the lack of automation features, especially auto-casting. With that addition alone the game would potentially be one of the best idle games, and I would love to play it more.
2024년 1월 16일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 30.6시간
If you are looking for a sequel to Aragami 1, look elsewhere.

While Aragami 1 was all about shadows, the main movement-related shadow mechanics have been removed in Aragami 2: teleporting is limited to ledges only unless the player chooses the Classic difficulty. Neither teleporting to the ceiling/walls (shadow surfaces) nor creating shadows is possible.
However, movement in general feels more "free" because sprint speed seems faster and the player can jump. There is also "Shadow Leap" which helps to cover long distances (with the included risk of being glitched underground).

Aragami 2 offers hand-to-hand combat with parrying, but it feels very clumsy and buggy and is best avoided completely whenever possible (which is most of the game, outside of maybe 1-2 missions).

I found the length of the game (51 missions) way too long and the gameplay repeating. Most missions include finding something or someone, and there are no markers until the player gets very close, so most of the time is spent wandering around and wondering where in the ♥♥♥♥ the objective.

The story seems to happen in a completely different universe and I did not notice any references outside of there being a Legacy Armor set. I cannot compare the story to that of Aragami 1, because frankly, I don't remember ♥♥♥♥ about the first one - though the main (only) female character was better in the first game.

There are also a few albeit frequent bugs where vaulting over an obstacle sometimes results in the player falling through the map. Teleporting (while running?) also sometimes teleports the player backward, out of bounds, with no way back to the mission area, forcing a restart.

In summary, do not expect a sequel to Aragami 1 and just treat it as a standalone game. It is a bit long, somewhat buggy, and the combat sucks.
2024년 1월 8일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 19.6시간
I enjoyed the game, but I don't think there is enough content for the price (about 20 hours to 100%), so I'd get it on sale.

The gameplay is about surviving in a beautiful open world of snow and storms to the next boss, occasionally hunting wildlife to stave off hunger. In boss fights, the goal is to climb up its body (which may include making it first fall / come down somehow) and ring all the bells on its body. I found most bosses interesting, as each had some different way to complete the otherwise same core task. I especially enjoyed the flying ones.

Other than that, there are some normal enemies and mini-bosses as well as collectible lore notes and Totems scattered around, the latter giving more of either stamina or health for each 3 found. Players can also find and upgrade alternative clothing and different weapons.
2024년 1월 1일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 195.4시간 (평가 당시 127.9시간)
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A nice game that somewhat lacks mid-game content.

While sharing similarities with Melvor Idle, Idle Clans is more about multiplayer and collaboration: join a clan, participate in clan events, hunt monsters with other players, and gear up for raids. The biggest minus is probably the lack of mid-game content; after clearing the first few combat areas, there is a huge gap to the raids for which you basically need to level up a bunch of skills to around 90. For example, there are no mid-game dungeons or such.

The game can be enjoyed 100% F2P, though purchasing the premium membership does immediately open some skills, such as enchanting, which speeds up leveling up a bit. However, the token used to activate the premium membership can be traded, so by earning enough in-game gold, players can simply purchase the token from someone else.
Quite a many reviews from players who obviously did not even try to figure things out and just decided that "premium option == bad game".
2023년 12월 19일에 게시되었습니다. 2023년 12월 19일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 2,646.6시간 (평가 당시 2,111.5시간)
Easily the best idle game I've ever played.

It's got a huge amount of content for the money (like a year or two to 100%, and even just completing the "story" takes months). It's easy to have your character cut wood or mine ores in the morning and then check in once or twice during the day. However, some skills and combat especially require more planning and attention. There are also lots of guides to aid in starting out or completing dungeons.

If you want to take it further you can research the wiki for more optimal way to level up or get certain items (get to level y in this skill to get x item, then use it to progress in that skill until level z, .....).
2023년 10월 28일에 게시되었습니다.
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