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1 person found this review helpful
39.2 hrs on record (32.1 hrs at review time)
Honestly, just a real damn good puzzle game. Fun to sink time into and perfect. Scratches an itch like a weird sudoku.
Posted 6 May, 2024.
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4.9 hrs on record
I was given this game as a gift since it was on my wishlist. And you know, I would like to like this game. Because there's very clearly some effort put into it. But like. It just has a very trite story that doesn't really add much new into Lovecraft mythos other than "oh this is an even spookier thing" and doesn't critically examine Lovecraft either. By the end of the game I had barely enough curiosity to keep going- so much exposition was tacked on at the end and I feel like there just... wasn't enough going for it. This game feels very middling in how it approaches Lovecraft and the themes that usually come with cosmic horror, and a lot of the monster design feels very.... eh. There was effort here and it was an ambitious attempt, but overall it feels lackluster even with a few interesting points of worldbuilding.

For this kind of story you need to either completely nail the horror, completely nail the gameplay, or completely nail the writing. All were middling. If you can get it for cheap and you're DESPERATE for some Lovecraft content, sure maybe you can try it out. But otherwise I'd avoid it personally. It's just not interesting enough, even in a "so bad it's good" way.
Posted 14 November, 2022.
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96.9 hrs on record (90.8 hrs at review time)
Absolutely phenomenal game that is filled to the brim with exploration, fear, and wonder.
Posted 20 February, 2022.
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74.2 hrs on record (22.2 hrs at review time)
As someone who has always eyed Stellaris but could never get through the complexity, Slipways is a beautiful game that is well polished and well put together that captures a very similar feeling (even if not quite there). A wonderful puzzle game that I keep coming back to and looking forward to further updates- even if its just finishing the campaign. Only complaint is sometimes the music loops in on itself and starts to sound really discordant. There are times when it feels like you can really get screwed by the random gen, but as I get better with this game I'm starting to find a way to make the best out of most situations and see what perks work best together. Highly recommend giving it a go if you want to try something that feels both puzzle-y and 4x-y without the complexity
Posted 20 July, 2021.
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3.2 hrs on record
Short game that uses the idea of a text adventure in an extremely interesting and strange way. Highly recommend if you like horror and don't mind the text adventure format.
Posted 2 November, 2020.
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6.8 hrs on record
An interesting and spooky game that has a good amount of Urban Exploration. Unfortunately it's showing it's age a bit and near the end it can get a little repetitive; but it was a fun game and didn't overstay it's welcome. If it was any longer I'd have to say pass on it unless you like urbex, but it stays juuuuust long enough. Very neat game, get it on sale, remember it was made in the early 2000's and has controls to match. As long as you keep that in mind it can be a pretty neat experience.
Posted 8 June, 2020.
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8.2 hrs on record
Excellent horror game with a compelling story and lore- along with some very very trippy effects throughout. Nails the cyberpunk aesthetic as well. I won't say too much more to avoid spoilers however I will leave the following:

I do think that the way the enemies work through the typical "hide and move while they're not looking instead of run if they catch you" mechanic is a bit tedious. But thankfully those sections are few and far between. Though the last one was annoying because for some reason if you wait too long the enemy starts teleporting which is a pain.

Overall though: Good game, definitely recommend it if you like horror and cyberpunk. If you get it, explore the complex a lot, you can find quite a few interesting side stories. Also, be warned, it's a bit heavy on jump scares at times, especially during the un-reality like segments.
Posted 7 April, 2020.
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39.3 hrs on record (37.9 hrs at review time)
I can't say much other than what has already been said-
If you like shooters that focus on lots of gore, violence, and righteous demon stomping fury, with excellent gunplay, satisfying weapons, and monster designs that make you want to balk at them from the care that was put into making them but you're too busy ripping them in half and admiring the gorgeous animations-
Then rip and tear,
until it is done.
Posted 23 November, 2019.
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23.3 hrs on record (19.2 hrs at review time)
So. I tried this game despite some of the negative reviews and I think you should give it a shot if you have the money for it and you want a unique experience, and definitely try it if you like Aliens and Lo-Fi Sci-Fi

Like Most rogue-lites its rather punishing and you should be very careful when investigating rooms

The story is very slowly revealed through exploring new ships and getting upgrades to scan rooms, capture specimins and access space bases and quarentined areas.

The ability to make shortcuts for commands is really handy and helps when you need to type in a 3 word command in about half a second. Be warned that some of the hazards such as radiation leaks and the monsters suddenly deciding to break down a door into a safe room can easily screw you over. 21 hours in, I still have not completeed the story, but I'm getting much closer, as the story progress is culmulative. I'm not sure if there is an "end game" yet but the story continues to unfold.

Good atmosphere
Solid controls
Interesting if convoluted story
Fun way to increase typing speed
Command line interface and keyboard only controls add greatly to atmosphere
Extremely adjustable difficulty for those having a tough time
Fantastic help menu and help funciton

Some hazards are a bit unfair (but you can turn individual hazards off and have a lot of difficulty options which is good)
If you quit a mission partway through, then you go back to the part just before then, but you now can no longer access the ship (I understand why this is a feature, so you can't prepare ahead of time, but why not just generate a new ship instead?)
Seems excessively punishing if you lose your drone with tow and you don't have any scrap left.

Even with the excessively punishing gameplay at times, it can be avoided by playing carefully.

Think ahead before you do things, have the commands to close the door ready when you enter a room, and don't worry about getting ALL of the scrap. getting a drone and 3 pieces of scrap is more than enough.

At the very least, if you like rogue-lites and Lo-fi Sci-fi then you should try this game.

Posted 20 August, 2016.
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51.7 hrs on record (31.2 hrs at review time)
I can't even describe how much enjoyment this game has given me. Even when you die to random chance, it feels like you could easily do it again; its so addicting and a great game to play when doing something else because it has PAUSE BUTTON THAT LETS YOU ISSUE COMMANDS WHEN YOUR PAUSED. Like this makes the game so so so much easier to process and just a great game to relax with.

Make no mistake though; this is a challenging game, but it also has varying levels of difficulty for those who just want to see it through to the end. For 10$ this game is more than worth it, honestly its made me reconsider whenever I see a game thats similar costing more. Just try it once and you'll see just how good it is.

Posted 13 July, 2016.
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