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投稿日: 2024年6月14日 1時51分
更新日: 2024年6月14日 2時07分

I now have literally no reason to own a PS4 anymore.

Except for Bloodborne.
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8 件のコメント
Crumps 2024年7月10日 16時29分 
God we can pray
vaZek870 2024年7月5日 5時27分 
GTA 6 for me because for some reason these assholes dont wanna launch on pc
A_Runaway™ B. 2024年6月30日 11時51分 
Try “Legend of Dragoon” from PS1 if you ever get the chance when the game goes on sale. I hope they bring that game to steam one day or it finally gets the remaster it deserves.
Cabbage 2024年6月20日 20時20分 
I have mine still for Blu--ray's and Gravity Rush :lunar2019piginablanket:
Succubus Nirriti 2024年6月19日 21時48分 
SOYNY knows most of you salivate for it (despite already owning it). Like Nintendo and F-Zero, they keep it as an "OH SH*T" hostage/trump card. They know youll instantly buy their goyslop console(s) (PS5 or PS6 in the future) upon (RE)release.

I think its overhyped (Bloodborne). But for the sake of PCMR, I hope you guys get it eventually. Perhaps its the only thing left for SOYNY to get a desperate last-ditch effort to inject some money back into its dying corpse.
Hobbithobo 2024年6月18日 13時45分 
If Sony brought Shadow of the Colossus to Steam, I'd no longer have any temptation to own a PS...
Taka_Senpai 2024年6月18日 9時50分 
if Sony execs weren't greedy bastards we'd even have Bloodborne.
Blue 03 2024年6月17日 5時56分 