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49.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Thank you for making this game, I hope Nintendo won't do you any harm. You have your right to do your own monster catching game.

Edit: Nintendo should be ashamed, you don't deserve it.
Posted 25 January, 2024. Last edited 20 September, 2024.
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2,702.0 hrs on record (2,062.6 hrs at review time)
This game sucks, 0/10
Posted 5 January, 2020.
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23.9 hrs on record (23.9 hrs at review time)
Sonic Mania is probably the best Sonic game up to date. Will recommend everyone who wants to beat pseudo retro game of this generation. In some way, feels rushed in places, but still very polished and just awesome.

EDIT: I'm updating my view to this game after finishing this game twice on Nintendo Switch and Steam. This game became much better with extra content, not to mention new patch made non-existent transitions real, which had fun cutscenes for 5 seconds that didn't get in the way. Bosses placements was also fixed, especially for Metal Sonic boss that was actually updated. Some of the bugs were also fixed. My previous score for this game was 9/10. But now I think it deserves more than that. Thank you Christian Whitehead's team, for making hedgehog great again.

Posted 4 September, 2017. Last edited 2 July, 2019.
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20.7 hrs on record (20.1 hrs at review time)
One of the best Indie space games I have ever played. Enjoyed exploring endless space place while being all feared and mighty Purple Star with blue colored orbs around me!
Posted 23 November, 2016.
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27.2 hrs on record (24.8 hrs at review time)
Half-Life series went to a great direction of FPS genre. Valve made a sequel, which considered this game as a Game of the decade. Game is set in a distant future, somewhere in Eastern Europe, about twenty years after the Black Mesa Incident from the first game.
The main character is a scientist named Gordon Freeman, who's kicking some major *** with his partner Alyx Vance. Freeman, who hasn't aged a day since he disappeared after the Black Mesa Incident because he was in stasis, appears on a train heading to City 17. A couple of citizens talk about city life and the process of being transferred to City 17. Arriving there, Gordon meets armed police officers known as Civil Protection. Gordon is forced to escape City 17, with Civil Protection officers in hot pursuit.

+Game is aged well in the year 2004, it can also be placed near new titles with AAA graphics which we got now.
+Controls feel great, movements are very solid, no mouse skip or autoaim.
+Storywise this game is like a blockbuster filled with action. if we get to the last part of the game, you can really be excited using your super powered weapons. It's not an immersive storytelling like game wants you to believe but you feel like you're into this game yourself and play as you rather than Gordon Freeman.
+Soundtrack is well made, give you that special mood for killing zombies abd combines, same goes for sfx
+First Valve game on this engine, presentation and the beggining of source engine legacy began with this. This game is a father of Team Fortress 2 and Portal francise.

Final Verdict: 9.5 AWESOME (it's totally nine and a half, half of enjoyment counts twice as fun)
Posted 2 January, 2014.
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22.9 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
The Walking Dead: Season 2 is a sequel to the TellTale masterpiece. The thing is this game is episodic season pass like every game made by TellTale.
Story is about orphed girl named Clementine who needs to survive in a world full of semi-dead people with bad breath and urge to eat more human flesh.
I'm going to give review every episode, before i give my final verdict.

Episode 1:
Chapter is very dark and sets your mood on edge. Game become more adventure type than last walking dead season, and got really beautiful visuals, Clementine acts.. again it's up to you. Either she remains nice or complete badass.

Episode 2:
Best chapter in The Walking Dead franchise, futures both exploration and adventure. As a matter of fact, choices matter here the most, depending on what you did in the last episode. Also it's possibly the longest episode too.
Posted 17 December, 2013. Last edited 5 March, 2014.
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31.6 hrs on record (26.1 hrs at review time)
The Binding of Isaac gives you the impression of how to make a "good" indie game. Though, it can be really tough for some players, especially if they are new to this kind of genre. Game looks like 2D The Legend of Zelda on NES via dungeon style. Difference between this and Zelda, are lots of collectible items that change look of the character and his powers. Storywise game can be confusing after beating it 6-8 times if you got enough energy and will to do it.

+Visuals and Graphics are not dated, however it feels like a flash game still, but a good flash game.
+over 180 items, 80 secrets and they are hard to beat, this game is hell of a challange to die for.
+Unic level design, which is random everytime everytime you start the game. Also lots of interesting secrets
-Not really fan of this artstyle, but it's just me, beating the game more than once can become tedious afterawhile
-Extra Characters are uninteresting, it's just issac with different haircut or skill which you can get accidently in the game anyway, which don't do really a great justice. Like item "Poop" for example, it's trully is a piece of ♥♥♥♥.

Final Verdict: 8/10 [Reccommend]
Posted 2 December, 2013.
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6.7 hrs on record (4.8 hrs at review time)
Indie Game: The Movie is a freaking Movie. It's not even a Video Game... Why do i have to even review it?
Okay. Is this movie really good? No, it's not. Although I don't pity the devs who made this film either. Film focuses on a creators who make Indie games that have Artsty feel into it. Those games usually cost a buck or two to play since they look like a simple flash games in my own opinion. I never was a Movie critic but here is my thoughs.

+It seems that the creators of this movie put alot of effort especially how it looks with it's resolution and menu is fine.
+Believe it or not, but this movie got games! Well.. a game, which you need to answer quiz which indie game character is from, simple.
-By standards of a high picture value it taste like an undone, not salty popcorn.
-Film was just an advertisement for indie titles, and i really don't care for indie games.
-This is not a video game, why is this even on steam?

Final Verdict: 4.0 Poor [NOT Reccomend, watch it on youtube, don't waste your money.]
Posted 25 November, 2013.
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26.9 hrs on record (18.7 hrs at review time)
AVGN is back! Or so.. we thought. Game which is made official by Game Trailer themselves [and some other dev i guess]. Game story is all about Nerd and his friends trying to get out from the world of a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Video Game which sucked them right at the beggining. Is AVGN Adventures game is good or atleast passable? NO! But did it succeded? YES! Indeed the game is really ♥♥♥♥♥♥ but that's the whole point. This game teaches you how games were back in a day, hard or really frustrating, though those are the good sides but game got it's own ammount of problems.

+Good Visuals, 8-bit themed like it's 80's NES era all over again.
+Music is great too, they are like more clearly arranged tracks. Nostalgia is all over the place.
-There is literally no story in this game, nerd get's sucked into a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ game and tries to escape, that's it.
-Glitches everywhere, oh and i'm not talking about glitch gremlin here. For instance i hope they will atleast fix the achievements.
-Poor character skills and controlls, Mike is a worst character in the game, poor range and his way of finding secrets is a joke. You will beat this game as a Nerd anyway, there is absolutely no point to these characters.

Final Verdict: 5.0 Mediocre [Will NOT recommend for full price, and if you're AVGN fan.. I guess you bought the game anyway]
Posted 25 November, 2013. Last edited 25 November, 2013.
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14 people found this review helpful
57.4 hrs on record (4.4 hrs at review time)

I'll get alot of hate for this, but i really i want to share my feelings about this game. To sum everything up, i'll give you 2 reviews in one of what it was before and what it remains.

[Before]+++ "the simple mod, simple rules, addictive fun"
Garry's mod was a both funny and creative, usually it took time to create a thing or two, but it was worth it. Especially when it's a Giant Robot with transforming hand to a bazooka gun or.. Just a simple toilet plane. Easy to use, fun factor was creating things together via online play and helping each other with projects you've come up with. There was always that feel of new and fresh. It had one mode, simple stuff from half-life 2 and other valve games, really smart and fun community, also WAR WITH MACHINES...untill.

[After]--- "Lots of unnecesarry content, confusing mess, MINECRAFT 2"
Garry's Mod had a hard life, while community became worse each day with newcommers, game's cancer grew and grew and it still growing today. Now, look. I know that it's got lots of new content and gameplaywise it's just as great. But you don't really want it especially when you got lots of shooters to play in your game library. Want to play some zombie shooter? Go and play some mod for it, but garry's mod is not that place. Lots of mods and trash items i need to download for like eternity for one server which is a roleplaying or some CS:Source hide and seek game. Normal servers with creation got the same mod problem and good servers with non of those contents are usually lower ping. For me, the day when garry's mod died was a release of Sourcefilm maker.

Before version 13 Verdict: 8.5 Great
After Version 13 Verdict: 3.0 Bad
[Not Reccomend]
Posted 25 November, 2013. Last edited 25 November, 2013.
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