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Addictive as hell...
Skrevet: 13. juli 2023.
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Free to Play? Wuuuuuuuh?
Let's try it with no instruction... UG!
Let's watch some tutorials, and make some friends, and ask some questions, and build some rides! Testing & tweaking & and bigger gun seeking! BIG F-ING GUNS!

I was frustrated by this game at first but like me, you need to immerse yourself in what is possible by spending the time to learn to play. I have a slow ass internet connection, but the sounds of flying rounds, energy weapons, impacting metal on metal and explosions, and Mad Max style game play kept me coming back even though I was unwilling to dip into my Steam Wallet for in-game coin. The tech tree was too slow for me to wait on the items I wanted, because I like to build, and race, and blow stuff up! It's worth taking a closer look.

There are hundreds of tutorials and guides out there to get you started and asking other players in-game how to do stuff not only helps you, but it makes them feel good to lend a helping hand to those who are new to it because they can relate.

I have seen some amazing things done by players with simple tool sets, like rocket boosters to make vehicles fly, and vehicle mounted grappling guns that attach to another vehicle or structure. Separately, they seem "apocolyptically" normal. But in the hands of true comic geniuses, they can be used in unison to grab enemy vehicles (or friendlies) and launch them under tow into the sky... hurling the other vehicle in a whipping motion some distance to its damage and destruction!

I think I broke my outer carapace laughing when I was witness. Posting a video clip of that would just make haters cry, so better to just say it is possible and leave it at that.

Obviously, this is a game to be played daily for maximum results and friendly fun. I believe updates will continue to improve what is already addictive. There are many different roads for many different addictions. I personally find my mind wanting to engineer vehicle after vehicle like Legos with my storage of parts and just push the envelop under the vehicle weight, power, and spacial restrictions. Building vehicles can be as therapeutic as building webs for arachnids don't you know!

I would recommend this game to newcomers like myself who are unsure at first by certain complexities but are having fun and are willing to invest a little time and patience into getting started on the graphic user interface and how it works because it will morph into a daily fix when you need to escape the lock downs and crap weather and just go and tweak your ride to lay down some destruction.

Seek enlightenment and ye shall find it... it just might cost you some coin to get there. But, you will have a good experience acquiring the tech to stand on your own in the higher levels and against other players in events and some of the A.I. on the hard levels.

The sounds are purely immersive and the soundtrack is memorable, so throw on the surround sound headset and get busy building! Just think of the nice screenshots you can post to your proud grandmother to remember the anarchy!


A follow-up review of CROSSOUT seems necessary just to help the poor unsuspecting blokes out there in STEAMLAND save their STEAM WALLET. While the game is really fun, recent technical issues have plagued the system they use and restricted market access takes most of the fun of building and customization away completely.

I had no connectivity issues until AFTER I purchased the Premium Subscription and now I get booted pretty regularly while my subscription counts down to zero. After a month of contacting support and going through 2-3 different people and countless tutorials and FAQ, none of my issues were resolved completely and the fact that new issues popped up that have made the game unplayable really pisses me off.

Save your money for something else and realize that the FAQ and tutorials should be read FIRST and with great scrutiny before setting up your accounts. Gaijin.net Registration must come first and be linked to STEAM or you are screwed. Creating new accounts only makes the waters more muddy and confuses support staff so be very careful and do your homework if you plan on spending money to customize your vehicles.

Fun only goes so far when weighed next to technical BS. While they claim they are attempting to fix many of these issues, I suspect no resolutions will come until AFTER my premium subscription has conveniently lapsed.
CROSS OUT has been around for 24 years and still there is NO DYNAMIC WEATHER?!?!
Why have lighting at all available if it will not be used? Come on DEV's... get off the comfy chair and make some night maps! Snow, Hurricane, Flood, Volcanic Eruption, Meteor Shower, Nuclear Explosion, Acid Rain, or anything? Nope. Just daylight or overcast.

I gave up on trying to link my Steam Account to Gaijin.net. After a while, Some of the things I couldn't get in the restricted market, I managed to score through the buying of packs or Battle Passes. It isn't the ideal way to fly, but it is a way. Upgrading is paramount to continue progressing forward in the game.

There must have been some fraud in the old magic hat, because now the money system has changed to include a buffer between coin purchases for the market and real world currency. I would lay odds the "Crosscrowns" will suck more out of the Steam Wallet if you let it. There will have to be some amazing deals to entice me to buy into Crosscrown purchases. On a positive side, there are some cool purchase options to get paint and customization packs which tells me the Dev team is listening to someone. It seems Crosscrowns are more for greed than to appease players in my opinion but I see there is no going back.

Over all the game is still fun, and I continue to get my daily fix if I am not busy living outside on a sunny day until lock downs and a new pandemic imprison us all again.

Overall, building new vehicles, the friends I have met, the clan I run, and the new updates will keep me coming back at least once a week to check in. I am not fond of the new money system, but it is progress. Many games don't even get progress on a regular basis because the DEVs move onto bigger and better. No chance of that here since this game is a cash cow.

So, in order to bypass the restricted market, players should purchase battle passes and level up to get unique items like paint, weapons, blueprints, holographics, and vehicle parts. I believe it is a good equalizer if you are struggling to upgrade and want to spend very little money on the game. Each Battle Pass cycle can yield quite a lot of new stuff, but make sure you review what is offered and make sure you want it first. Some of the items snuck into the mix are hideous paint jobs and stuff that provides specific perks that only work with a particular item like an energy weapon, which new players may not have unlocked yet.

Be vocal with your requests on different platforms because the development team is slowly listening to the wants of the players and acting accordingly by doing the little Garage Show on YouTube and making new changes happen through regular updates. Good Luck and keep building!


Another Follow-Up Review: After jumping into play for a couple years as a loner, I have just now begun to see the advantages of making friends and getting them to give you pointers about things that are never spoken. Someone just sent me CL4P TR4P's tutorial for Cross out and I feel like i just crawled out from under a rock. Doing it the hard way on your own is good to a point... lesson learned. I THOUGHT THE DAMN THING WAS FOR BORDERLANDS! XD idiot_mode OFF...
Skrevet: 29. marts 2021. Sidst redigeret: 23. november 2022.
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