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投稿日: 2021年9月28日 8時39分

Even though I preferred Macbat 64, I really enjoyed this little gem and was happy to see Macbat himself made it into the game, will definitely be picking up the sequel and will hope this mean a possible Macbat 64 2 could be made someday.
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2 件のコメント
FlorenceR1 2024年10月17日 3時06分 
OMG SAME!!! Macbat is my fave. I can't wait to see if Macbat 64 2 is gonna be a thing.
76561199768916553 2024年8月30日 18時44分 
Yooo, Macbat 64 was the shizz! This game was ok tho, I'm down for the sequel. Hope they make Macbat 64 2 too!