fikibuk 16 lutego o 16:08 
could you accept my friend request please <3
Limegay 31 października 2019 o 12:10 
would u ever make the safe n sound all class? It'd look sick, people have been waiting since 2016
Wolfy 19 października 2019 o 3:19 
Sola System 24 września 2019 o 8:38 
You made my favorite headphones engineer cosmetic
ZoominSomin 13 lipca 2019 o 13:32 
according to your profile you dont accept requests. In case you would add me, feel free to do so.
anyway gg mate
whysheissocutedamn 9 maja 2018 o 9:29 
for ti8 treasure's
whysheissocutedamn 9 maja 2018 o 9:28 
hi bro! what about set on arc warden in crystal style?
Ralphyr 26 kwietnia 2018 o 22:21 
Can you guys try put up quickly your "Lion Thorn" Slardar as the ti8 collector's cache?

I have a slight feeling, that this might be a action worth of shot (since he has quite abyss/deep theme set)
Alexar 20 kwietnia 2018 o 4:03 
Are you planning to make Safe'n'Sound all-class?
Konras 13 listopada 2017 o 12:09 
@Mordecaibot Sadly I have no idea about that. I wish I would know more.
Mordecaibot 11 listopada 2017 o 17:24 
Hey, your magnus set is sick, are valve ever gonna add it?
youtube.com/c/TriHard7c 26 sierpnia 2017 o 12:27 
thanks man pity that old wing look more badass on TB lol
Konras 26 sierpnia 2017 o 3:40 
@www.twitch.tv/truong2193 Yes. It was after a feedback from Valve. They asked to make his wings more suitable for agility hero. As with previous design he was looking more like a tank.
youtube.com/c/TriHard7c 26 sierpnia 2017 o 0:48 
hey may i ask why you changed Corrupted Wings ? valve want that ?
Yestar™ 18 maja 2017 o 23:29 
Can you add my friend? Thank you:steammocking:
Puddilicious 23 marca 2017 o 6:55 
Is Safe'n'Sound becoming multi-class or misc?
Konras 11 marca 2017 o 16:45 
@Hel ah I answered a bit in confusing way. I meant that I will make 1 new set for this deadline. I also plan to reupload Slark with color palette changes. As for workshop state I dont know what is going on. I wasnt following the scene to much. Now I read negative opinions all around.
aquAregia 11 marca 2017 o 15:41 
It was good while it lasted... another talented guy is leaving the workshop =(.
Konras 11 marca 2017 o 15:35 
@Hel I will try to do at least 1 new set. Lately I dont have much free time so I doubt I will be able to make anymore T__T
aquAregia 11 marca 2017 o 14:06 
Hey Konras, will you try your luck with the International aquatic event or you too are done with the workshop like it is now? :C
HazmatPyro 10 marca 2017 o 7:21 
can you allow the pyro to wear the safe n sound. i think it would look good
Orio 8 marca 2017 o 16:15 
Thanks a lot! I wish the best for you and your work! I love it!! :heart: :3
Konras 8 marca 2017 o 15:13 
@Chibinom Yeah. I was thinking about making changes to its color palette a bit and submitting it some time ago. Now it will be a perfect ocassion I think. Thank you for sugestion. I am happy to hear you like this set :)
Orio 8 marca 2017 o 13:47 
Hello there! I love your Piranha of Dark Lagoon Skin for Slark! Right now Dota looks for Skins like that. Please send them your skin!! :heart:
N4kai 24 listopada 2016 o 5:23 
Cześć, przyjmij zaproszenie chciałbym zamienić kilka zdań.
SaltyFatRat #FIXTF2! 3 października 2016 o 9:08 
Hey, you should really turn the sns into a misc. It looks awesome with some hats, and its really not a hat, its more a misc
EvilArthas 2 sierpnia 2016 o 3:00 
не играй в доту
Rat 11 lipca 2016 o 4:30 
I think the Safe'n'Sound would be for all class. I don't know if you can do anything but it's just what I think.
ramayo 19 czerwca 2016 o 20:52 
As a new Safe N Sound user, it's up to you to decide if changing the misc to all class (somehow economy breaking) or making styles for it.
IMO, i'd like it as all class. This blizzardy storm goes good with the hat
Greed S> 500 Bill's Hat 4 czerwca 2016 o 20:08 
He is lol, let him be, he'll decide the styles himself
video game un-enthhusiast 4 czerwca 2016 o 16:09 
Konras, please. Leave the Safe'n'Sound how it is, we don't need an already ♥♥♥♥♥♥ economy getting worse. If you do update it, please keep it as a hat but as @Apo said, make 2 styles, maybe one with the hard-hat? It's one of my favorite hats but I prefer not being bald.
apo 26 maja 2016 o 18:22 
@Konras When you update the model, could you do 2 different styles, 'OLD' & 'NEW?'
Patriot B/S> Unu&Spell 25 maja 2016 o 17:58 
@kon just marry me now
kid named fragger 25 maja 2016 o 15:27 
"oh i bought an unusual safe and sound for 300% overpay and now it won't go all class poor me :("
Hip J 25 maja 2016 o 15:25 
:steamsalty: :steamsalty: :steamsalty:
Dr. Latency 25 maja 2016 o 15:21 
Oh well. ♥♥♥♥ stays ♥♥♥♥.
Faes 25 maja 2016 o 13:42 
Thank you for calling out the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ by the profit ♥♥♥♥♥♥ in the trading community and refusing to update the SnS to be all class. Or a misc. It's a good engi hat. It should stay a good engi hat.
76561198082164921 25 maja 2016 o 12:11 
I am really glad that you are ONLY updating the model, it is really good thing that you're not doing what others are; lazily updating their hats into all-class (With some exceptions). Even though I think the model is fine as it is, i'm sure the update of the hat, will make people wear it more often! The only thing that I won't like (which is not your fault) is the everyone overpricing their vintage SnS, since I wanted to start vintage hats collection, and because of hype, price will increase :(
. 25 maja 2016 o 5:32 
Its a shame, but I also really appreciate you communicating your descision to us instead of leaving us in the dark. Thanks. :snowflakes:
Yahoodles 25 maja 2016 o 5:24 
May I ask why you have not decided to make it all class?
Konras 25 maja 2016 o 5:07 
Quick Info: SnS will receive only updated model from me. It is not going all class or misc. All class only if requested by Valve.
Greed S> 500 Bill's Hat 24 maja 2016 o 19:09 
Added again :p
Greed S> 500 Bill's Hat 24 maja 2016 o 19:09 
Lol :3
Konras 24 maja 2016 o 19:08 
@Business Delphox better invest this money into tuna. I heard japanese will run short of it soon because all the sushi they eat :)
Patriot B/S> Unu&Spell 24 maja 2016 o 17:25 
ey fam i know youve got this question dozens on times. but any word on an all class update on safe? i may invest quite a bit of money into 1 id like to know.
[M8s] Action™ 21 maja 2016 o 8:40 
added for trade and cause ur a cool guy
Greed S> 500 Bill's Hat 21 maja 2016 o 8:03 
ah chu 21 maja 2016 o 3:27 
Ayy lmao Ima name my new S&S "Beats By Konras"
Dr. Latency 19 maja 2016 o 15:43 
don't listen to the people who don't want it to be all-class, they're just too salty.
Luca 19 maja 2016 o 12:45 
Tbh the Safe n Sound should've just been made an all-class from the start. It obv fits the classes.