Kitten Morag
Morag   Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Just a girly nerd in an awesome world. Here to play games, trade cards, and take names :Odin: :white: :blue: :black: :red: :green: :raven_enigmatis: :lg1_goatcat: :d20: :PrettyNeko_watermelon:

If we're talking, and I suddenly drop out of conversation, please don't take it personally! I'm disabled, and have sudden episodes which require rest and treatment with no warning. It's not about you, don't worry!
Currently Offline
Screenshot Showcase
I take it back. THIS is the best investment in a Kickstater we've ever made. Now they'll live forever <3
10 1
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Showing off my Emoticons!
I don't have much custom text to put here, so I figured I'd use this as a sandbox to show off all my nifty emoticons that I haven't farmed into gems :D

:eternal_candle: :killerbee: :AOESheep: :wololo: :Odin: :honed: :squirtmeh: :cbear: :forebear: :pbear: :Duckie: :nippy: :wil: :catbang: :catbell: :nippy2: :wil2: :candles: :cindersskull: :berserk: :love: :raven_enigmatis: :cheeseburger: :sushi: :faerie: :summer2021rogue: :summer2021rpg: :summer2021strategy: :maaad: :pleased: :steggy: :gl2_otter: :hellblade: :cgpout: :claugh: :2015holly: :InjusticeCatwoman: :lg1_goatcat: :famishedox: :oxinablanket: :tigerinablanket: :bunnyinablanket: :catinablanket: :lunar2019piginablanket: :black: :blue: :green: :red: :white: :Liara: :Tali: :Thane: :hmm: :ooh: :sad_creep: :mt_paw: :mrcrab: :cleancake: :cleandino: :cleanfloppy: :cleanseal: :cleankey: :tabbycat: :2017stickyhotdog: :summerghost: :summermoon: :bag: :2016skull: :d20: :roll: :Longship: :falkwreath: :markarth: :riften: :solitude: :whiterun: :windhelm: :campfireTLD: :coffeeTLD: :hatchetTLD: :knifeTLD: :painkillersTLD: :peachesTLD: :rabbitTLD: :toqueTLD: :2016villain: :happy_yeti: :laughing_yeti: :cozyjunimogreen: :tq_wolf: :Hymn1: :GooseDuck: :NoGoose: :moon_wolf: :nyan_wolf: :zccrow:
Favorite Guide
Created by - Sniper Bob
1,019 ratings
I threw together a TOPO map because I wanted to give TOPO map making a shot and it seemed like it would be useful. Revision 4 The coordinates of locations (houses, bridges, etc.) is exact to ingame location. Turn on debug mode in the graphics seting to vie
Review Showcase
33 Hours played
This is a very cute, fun game, that I am really enjoying. It's not rocket science, nor is it the most polished piece on the block, but I think it's worth it for $15. There's a variety of things to do and interact with, the pop culture references are great, and the music and scenery are worthwhile. If you want a bit of silly fun, somewhere between Goat Simulator and something serious, I'd recommend this. 9/10, would bear again

ETA- I understand some people's grief with the kickstarter process surrounding this product, and I don't think all of the criticism is unfounded. However, this game is still worthwhile if a chill exploration and gathering game, with a little bit of crack-ish humour and plot thrown in is what you're looking for.
Workshop Showcase
This simple mod adds quest markers to all 24 of the Stones of Barenziah (Unusual Gems) that you need to find/collect for the "No Stone Unturned" quest. The markers are only added after you take an "Unusual Gem" to Vex, and she gives you the objective to fi
Created by - Turn_on_a_Dime
Awards Showcase
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Beyond the Sunset - Public Group
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So I'm open to trading cards and emotes, as well as sharing what vouchers I have, but I'm not specifically here to trade a lot, I don't play games that tend to do drops and stuff either.
gothcatlady 29 Oct, 2015 @ 9:39pm 
THANK YOUUUUUU!:steamhappy:
gothcatlady 9 Aug, 2015 @ 12:09am 
elcor hamlet 14 Jun, 2014 @ 8:09pm 
elcor hamlet 30 Aug, 2013 @ 7:49am 
I think you're ace too! I appreciate the gesture - as long as you're not feeling compelled to send me stuff! Thank you so much, I feel very loved.
elcor hamlet 30 Aug, 2013 @ 7:26am 
elcor hamlet 22 Jul, 2013 @ 3:35am 
You're too good to me <3 <3 <3