There is a reason for everything.
All these years, I've been running forward, wanting to find something important, something unattainable, and it seems that in the end, I was left with nothing. I didn't know where this disturbing thought came from, and I was afraid to admit to myself that it was true, and I continued to work. Then, I noticed that my heart was hardening day by day, and living was becoming more unbearable. One morning, I realized with horror that I still could not accept. It became clear to me how much I had lost.
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divalin 24 Feb @ 7:38am 
zdarova otec
✧NOTARES✧ 23 Feb @ 3:50am 
Donk-Oku 20 Feb @ 2:10am 
You will burn in hell soulles psychopath with hacks
s1mplee 1 Feb @ 6:21am 
plyux4 16 Jan @ 8:13pm 
Этот анимешник из той редкой породы, что даже у меня вызывает уважение