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投稿日: 2024年7月24日 11時23分

Terrible Tutorial. Tutorial was so bad I almost quit the game early and would give the game negative review. By sheer willpower I forced myself to play the game. My opinion is:

Game is pretty decent. Not much going on though. It's pretty easy once you realize you can cheese the game. I cheesed my way to victory and I don't care. Scenarios get too boring pretty quick. I almost all the time go afk. If it's not timed scenario ofc. You really need to try hard to figure things out which is a big problem in the game. Tutorial helding your hand too hard and showing you nothing at all. It's amazing how much useless it is.

Devs really need to improve Tutorial. With a decent tutorial this game would be a great ''good'' game.

My score is 7/10.
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