Vinkovci, Vukovarsko-Srijemska, Croatia
Reserved for idiots like GSPOT :D
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Moe Lester 1 дек. 2010 в 12:34 
Sta je keeper, neces kupit black ops?
KeeperOfDarkness 11 септ. 2010 в 3:10 
Hehe another fail. And it's epic so shut it
GingeyLad 7 септ. 2010 в 13:07 
keeper, you do realise that your profile picture looks ridonculous.
KeeperOfDarkness 30 авг. 2010 в 3:34 
Itachi is undead now!XD I'm not sure who else got resurected (spoiled)
GingeyLad 28 авг. 2010 в 18:16 
well, perhaps i epicly failed but. u know and i know that Itachi despite being dead, will still rape pain/nagato. YEEEE SUUUN
KeeperOfDarkness 27 авг. 2010 в 11:14 
That's not croatian XD