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Yayınlanma: 17 Ara 2015 @ 12:35
Güncellenme: 17 Ara 2015 @ 12:37

Erken Erişim İncelemesi
Squad is the game I've been looking for for a long time. It combines the tactical realism of Arma with the more traditional FPS feeling such as Insurgency or Battlefield. This being said, it is definitely not Insurgency or Battlefield, but its own beast. I have pretty well fallen in love with this game. Every match is different. It's usually "cap this" or "find that" but there's so many ways it could go, like one time as the Americans we had finally moved to the last capture point in AAS only to find out a group of Russians had flanked us and taken out one of our earlier capture points, so two squads had to move back and assist while my squad sat and defended the last cap point. We were surrounded by mountains and were getting constantly hammered by gunfire, people were yelling in chat, smoke was everywhere, people were shooting off grenade launchers, etc.. It's moments like these that make this game great. So far I haven't encountered many rambos but that's usually because I stick to squads with mics. Performance is also pretty good at around 30-40 FPS on epic settings on a GTX 770 w/ i5-4670k, however if you have AMD don't bother. My friend can't even run the game at 20 FPS on his AMD computer on the absolute lowest settings. Now, do I think this game is worth it at its current state? To me, yes. However I can completely understand if you would disagree. I believe it is worth it due to the constant changing of the game, how no game is the same as the other. This is enough to keep me interested, and the community is great as well. The launch was also great, there's a number of bugs but you would almost think the game was complete if you had just began. To me it doesn't even feel like an alpha, but an already solid game at release. I'm really glad they didn't take the DayZ approach of "Add stuff first, fix the game later". What's even better is the game is only going to improve from this point.
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1 Yorum
Daisy 7 Eki 2024 @ 9:54 
Just wanna say, your review rocks! It's so full of insights and cool stuff. You really nailed it