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Postat: 24 nov. 2016 la 7:03
Actualizat: 2 nov. 2017 la 8:36

*文末附有英文版/English version at end of the passage
从一开始什么都不知道误打误撞 手残如斯
到现在道具可以全记住 隐藏超级隐藏一猜一个准
1、重玩价值非常高 可以说我永远都不会玩腻都不为过。
这些玩家创造的mod从人物到新道具 到游戏背景音乐画风等等各种各样,真的是脑洞大开。

和陈哥说的一样,但是只要你熟练了 那么对于怪物是非常不友好的。很多新手可能还没有体验
按道理你半价再半价应该是二五折,E胖可好 直接给你-(50%+50%)。然后就变成了免(白)
3、游戏也有bug 比如这个懒鬼E胖自从上次从抗生Mod里拿来一个背包以后 背包出现了很多bug 至

我一开始玩以撒的时候也算是各种死 什么被刺扎死啊 被火烫死 各种boss疯狂虐等等(等等好像现在也会..) 道具也记不全 拿错一个有可能一局就崩了。
我是这样的:熟悉基本操作后先在网上找一个全成就的档 遇到什么不懂的东西就去查图鉴。慢慢的把道具都记得差不多了,就去搜一些技巧 比如隐藏怎么炸 怎么打boss 道具的使用顺序等等

这个游戏已经被B站的陈哥玩坏了。我曾经以为自己全成就就已经通关了 就已经很了不起了
B站直播间404 感兴趣可以时不时去看一下你肯定会有所收获的。

Eng ver.:
After 500 hours' playing I dicided to rewrite my views;
It's really the game I'd spent the most time on steam.
From the past time when I died of different weird reasons to the time now I can remember all of functions of items and had boomed the real hiding room,it really touches me a lot.

Let's see what advantages the game has:
1.It has a high value of replaying.Honestly speaking:I will never get tired of it.
Because of the variety of items, with all kinds of situations could cause diffrent ends.
With different actions the same game will become two.And An item also does.
2.For me i love the style of painting,as same as the cyanide happiness show.
3.In new version the author added creative workshop so the content details can be changed.The
mods made by players can be about grounds,music,style of painting,characters or even new
items!And also mode of playing.

The following is something not so good,some disadvantages or so?
1.It's rea-rea-rea-rea-really unfriendly to a green hand.They don't know functions of items at all!
But as bro Chen said that if you master it,it's unfriendly to monsters.But they got tired if it before
having fun let alone replaying!
2.There are some commen-sense-fault for eg rubber can conduct electricity.And double half-price
equals free? Are you kdding me ?
3.There're still bugs in it.From last time Edmung added one of an item from an mod antibirth the
report of the game crash which caused by it never stopped.(17/11/2 today).
4.Some challenges are exactly too difficult.I wonder how they can make these lunatic

The followings are suggestions for greenhands.
Needn't to feel frustrated when died at first.It's normal.
you can do as me: After knowing a basic way to play,find a file full of achievements.When you come across a new item try to find it in wikipedia.Gradually you'll know the funktions of them.Then try to find some skills for eg how to find the hiding room.
And after all above you can play your own file and I have my file achievement completed,which pleased me a lot.

when you overcame mother's feet don't be overproud.You have still a long way to go.
I've thought I was perfect until I found bro Chen playing (lived in Bilibili) beyond mt imagination!
And I'm still learning his operation.
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無機質 21 nov. 2017 la 18:54 
闲置:AM轨迹 21 nov. 2017 la 18:18 