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spaghetti 13 lug 2012, ore 19:54 
The answer is no, I don't date koalas.
DJ NICOTINE 6 lug 2012, ore 18:22 
kap :(
get on tf2 more often!
DiatomsATTACK 31 mag 2012, ore 18:39 
Dangit, new Medic items? I still haven't gotten the pipe. Rude!
Silv3r R. 30 mar 2012, ore 14:55 
hey dude a need ur help when u are online poke* me
kapstr 2 mar 2012, ore 18:34 
Kone! play with me!
Kaiser Permanente® 31 gen 2012, ore 0:38 
Drop me a message if you are still wanting, still.