:moxes: Never fade away. :moxes:

Screenshot Showcase
Night in the Woods
mori me ghostface 25 Sep, 2024 @ 8:48pm 
Hey guys I'm not gay, I play football. I accidentally clicked this thread because I thought my mouse was hovered over the hot girls thread. Well, since I'm here I had a question let's say hypothetically I had gay thoughts (lol yea right) and I found my close friend attractive (ew gross) and one day we had sex in the back of my car after football practice (I would puke...the only thing I bang is chicks with big tits you know what I'm saying lol) but we didn't kiss. Would that be gay? We were wasted and while we were banging we kept calling each other ♥♥♥♥. It's almost like a parody of when we bang chicks (remember this didn't happen). So that wouldn't make me gay right? Just a jokester?
Gail Lewis 30 Dec, 2022 @ 7:15pm 
Swanks 19 Feb, 2022 @ 6:25pm 
Let any fish who meets my gaze learn the true meaning of fear for I am the harbinger of death. The bane of creatures subaqueous. My rod is true and unwavering as I cast into the aquatic abyss. A man, scorned by his uncaring earth. My only friend, the worm upon my hook. Wriggling, writhing. Struggling to surmount the mortal pointlessness that permeates this barren world. I am alone. I am empty. And yet, I fish.
Swanks 12 Jan, 2022 @ 5:55pm 
Oh I'm sorry. I just looked at your profile I didn't realize you where a lady. (And a beautiful one at that) I try my best to respect women. Especially women in gaming. As a matter of fact now I actually do agree with you. I'm sorry. Maybe you could even add me on PSN and we can play some games together. We could play GTA, overwatch, Minecraft, maybe even a little COD. add me xXxBigPokemonBoobaxXx. Sorry about my name. My cousin made it a while back. He is not a good person like me and does not carry my values.
Good day ma'am.
Also I PM'd you. Take a look and lmk what you think.
Swanks 28 Dec, 2021 @ 1:21pm 
this😌one✨is💅🏽for🤷🏾‍♀️the 💯boys🎾with💍the 🚴booming🏅 system 👩🏾‍🦱 top 👨🏿‍🍳ten🎎ac🎆with🥦the👐🏽coolest❄️system
Swanks 16 Nov, 2021 @ 5:36pm 
Hi there,

I Wanted to reach out to you following this morning's class. i really appreciated your contributions to our discussion, but felt that i should follow up with you.

I noticed that, during class, you appeared to consume an entire chocolate cake. Normally i would never be one to police my students eating habits, but i reviewed the class recording and you finished the whole thing in 43 seconds. i'm pretty sure i watched you unhinge your jaw like some kind of a snake.

is everything going okay at home? is your jaw okay? Please let me know i can be of any support.