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88 Hours played
The only bad thing about this game is that you can't experience it for the first time again.

I've lived by the beach for nearly 20 years and never appreciated the water as much as I did playing this game.

I've played dozens of horror games, both classics and new alike, and the most terrifying words I've ever heard were: "Detecting multiple leviathan-class lifeforms."

One-liners aside, even if you don't care much for survival games or anything sea-based, I highly recommend this game. I've dabbled with Conan a bit and other games of the sort and had fun, but never found them to be my cup of tea for long-term play. Subnautica is one of those rare gems that balances story, gameplay, and atmosphere in such a way that nearly all audiences will find plenty to enjoy. Although your character is silent, there are datalogs you can find that give backstory and some hints of character progression for side characters. I won't say much else because it's a game that really should be experienced with as little information as possible going in.

The only other thing I'll say is that Subnautica didn't really make me want to pick up other games of its genre. Not because I didn't want to play them -- in fact, I became more interested in the genre after beating this game. I haven't picked them up because I'm terrified they won't be half as good as Subnautica.
1MDevilsLyingInWait 30 Aug, 2024 @ 3:40pm 
lol hello again