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16.1 hrs on record (10.9 hrs at review time)
It saddens me to thumbs down this game, since it is geniunely fun. However all of my collectible progress have now been reset twice, and it's seriously affecting my enjoyment of the game.

I suspect this issue has something to do with the buggy multiplayer, which I mainly play with my friends.

Will perhaps change this to thumbs up if the issue ever gets resolved, but in all likelihood, I won't remember to do that.
Posted 5 May.
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140.2 hrs on record (139.8 hrs at review time)
Game got updated to 2.0.

The new UI is a mess, it's missing simple staples of UI design like hovering over buttons higlighting said buttons letting the user know they are in fact buttons, not only thaat some of the buttons don't even look like buttons, moreso they look like progress bars (Quest menu is a great example here.]
The level of information the player is provided is incosistent, sometimes you're shown 40+ cards at the same time (Card menu) and other times you're only shown only 4 and have to scroll 20 pages to see it all, when all of it could easily fit on 3-4 pages. Also the health bar is in a really inconvenient place. Place it where your players eyes are, you know, where it used to be.

I can somewhat live with the absolutely atrocious new UI, but right now I can literally not even play the game, since every single match fails to launch.

If you're a new player thinking of picking the game up, wait.
Posted 13 December, 2023.
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A developer has responded on 21 Dec, 2023 @ 9:17am (view response)
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220.5 hrs on record (191.1 hrs at review time)
I was struggling whether to give this a thumbs up or down. Eventually I settled on a thumbs up as I did enjoy most of the game.
Most of the game is amazing, almost perfect although a little buggy.

Then there's Act 3 and the ending. Everything falls apart in act 3. The annoying bugs turn to game breaking ones, the previously well crafted content becomes mundane rushed content. The entire upper city of Baldur's gate is missing (which was promised.) There's also a lot of other cut content just to get the game out, which someone made a list for in the forums. Honestly I would've preferred the game stay in the oven for a bit longer than the game leaving this nasty aftertaste.
And the ending, oh boy. The ending of this game makes Mass effect 3's (original, not extended) endings look like masterpieces. The game just ends. It's over. Roll credits. I'm not kidding.
Even just having a small epilogue text scroll, going over the happenings after the story during the credits would've gone a long way.

Now that we've gotten the rotten Act 3 out of the way...
Acts 1 and 2 are amazing, especially 1. Just those two acts are enough fun for me to justify this games purchase.
Especially act 1. Act 1 must be one of the best RPG experiences I've had in the last, I don't know how many years. Honestly I don't even remember when I've had such an amazing experience.

Act 2 loses some of that charm, but it's still a good act. You have a clear goal of who the BBEG (Big Bad Evil Guy) of the act is, and his introduction is excellent. Just wish he had more screentime.

All in all the game overall is great, just know that Act 3 and the ending are just abysmal.
Posted 23 August, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
First off: The content the DLC adds is fun to play with and there's nothing wrong with the content itself.

However the DLC is heavily overpriced compared to how much content it adds. There is not 30€ worth of content here.
You can buy entire games for 30€, while this DLC just adds a nice, 3d environment for your court, an inventory system and court positions. (And events to go with the new court system.) That's it.

Only get the DLC if you don't care about your money and you're intrigued by the new systems, or wait for a sale.
Posted 9 February, 2022.
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9.2 hrs on record
Bought it purely as a meme, but it's actually a surprisingly fun game.

It can get REALLY repetetive though.
Posted 25 January, 2022.
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373.5 hrs on record (136.8 hrs at review time)
Reviewing this game again after 136 hours.

To start: I love this game. I love how the game plays. I like the story. I like the characters. I love the feel of the game.

But I cannot in good conscience recommend it to anyone. The game is riddled with so many bugs I'm convinced they did absolutely no QA on this game what so ever.

Remember those 136 hours I mentioned? Well around 40 of that is me redoing stuff over and over again, due to bugs. I have not even finished the game in 136 hours, and let me tell you the game isn't THAT long.

Some examples of bugs in the game in no particular order:
-Your pause permanently stops working, only option to load a save before it started happening.
-At random, you can no longer rest. This is also permanent and your only option is to load.
-Sometimes you can't exit locations because the exit mysteriously dissapears.
-In turned based mode, your spells and abilities sometimes don't go off for no reason at all. Mostly happens on touch spells.
-A lot of items, spells, feats and other stuff are missing descriptions. Most of these missing descriptions are centered around the crusading part of the game.
-Some items, spells, feats and other stuff don't do what their description states they do.
-Sometimes, when moving on the world map, you can't just click a location to go there, you have to manually move, you just can't click locations for whatever reason.
-A lot of animations are missing, for instance a slight spoiler for act 3: There's a dragon you have to kill in act 3 and it's breath weapon has no animation at all.
-Some quests are just buggy and sometimes just don't work, reloading sometimes fixes it.
-Sometimes your esc key won't bring up the menu anymore. It still cancels casts and all the other things it does, just doesn't bring up the menu. Restarting the game fixes this.
-Sometimes the game thinks your character has an aura or something even when you don't have one. For instance in act 4, while having 0 buffs/items/effects on my MC, for some reason the game was checking every single passerby's spell resistance. This resulted in a hirarious situation when I entered a building which is really, really crowded and the game kept trying to check ALL of their spell resistances. My fps was 2 even though normally my fps is fine.
-Some of the mythic path mechanics are broken, they're either missing or not working correctly or in worst case not working at all.
-If you respec your MC from act 2 onwards, there's a high chance of permanently breaking your save on certain mythic paths. Worse yet, you'd have no way of knowing if your save was broken or not for tens of hours afterwards.
-There's a mechanic that prevents you from resting too often in the wilds. There are certain buildings that are meant to prevent it, and most of the time they do. But sometimes they just don't, it seems to be completely random.

I could keep going, but you get the idea.
The game is awesome, but it's a bug ridden mess. Wait for the bugs to be fixed, the games not going anywhere.
Posted 5 September, 2021. Last edited 15 September, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
345.0 hrs on record (43.2 hrs at review time)
CK3 is a mix of RPG/Strategy genres about court intrigue. You will be playing as a character in charge of a medieval realm. You can be anything from Count to and Emperor, independent or a vassal.

A game should be reviewed on it's own merits and not on how it compares with it's predecessor. However I will still list things that CK3 changes as compared to CK2 for those who have played the previous title.

Stuff that has been changed, in no particular order:
-Playing as republics and proper nomads has been removed.
-Combat has been changed, for better or worse. Personally like the new changes to combat as I feel like my decisions matter more pre-battle.
-Retinues are now man-at-arms which behave kind of the same but not quite.
-'Map painting' has been made significantly easier for those who love map painting, with much easier access to claims and special wargoals.
-Way of life DLC from CK2 has been enhanced with actual skill trees.
-Most RNG has been removed from councillor jobs, which I find a blessing. (There are still random events that can happen with them.)
-Baronies are visible on the map and act as tiles to walk on.
-removed ability to tell war allies to tag along with your army, this combined with the fact that the AI is still terrible although it is a lot better than it was in CK2 makes wars where you have to rely on your allies really cumbersome.
-Sieging the enemy capital is much more meaningful than it was in CK2 and most of the time you'll be sure to capture family members or the king himself. The bot also knows this and will usually make a mad dash to your capital if they can't beat your stacks. This can get a bit annoying.
-You can now fully customize a religion if you find a new faith and there are a lot more heresies to choose from.
-The UI has been changed, and it's a mixed bag. There are a lot of quality of life improvements, but there are a lot of pitfalls in it's design. (There are topics all over the forums and I will not go into detail here.)
-The game only informs you when your children are born. It does not inform you of your grandchildren or other family members in your court. This has led to many moments where I'm honestly suprised I have grandchildren.
-There's no ruler designer as of this review, although they have promised it as a free update.
-Cadet branches, while historically accurate, combined with lack of information about children being born make it suprisingly hard to keep track of your extended family.
-There aren't that many silly events like glitterhoof in the game anymore (At least I haven't run into any.) While these events might've been immersion breaking for some, I myself enjoyed them, and there was always an option to turn them off.

There are a lot more changes in the game, but this is all I could think of right now.

If you're new to the franchise I would certainly go for this instead of CK2, it's a lot cheaper and has alot better tutorial and is generally a lot easier to get into.

Finishing word and tldr:
While the game has it's issues and lacks some core features that were implemented in CK2 the game brings enough new stuff to the table to remain a fun and enjoyable historical roleplay experience.
Posted 6 September, 2020.
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94.7 hrs on record
If you've never played a persona game, this is as good as place to start as any.

Persona 4 golden is an rpg where spending time with your teammates is as important as dungeon crawling and time is your most precious resource.


+Excellent voice acting, most of the English cast is great
+The game also support Japanese voice acting, which while not my personal cup of tea I know there are people who prefer the Japanese voices.
+Awesome soundtrack
+Story is good, but there are some flaws with it.
+Excellent cast of characters you'll grow to like.
+No prior knowledge of other persona games required to enjoy the game.
+Combat is fun.
+I find time management and planning out your days enjoyable.
+The game is really stylish.


-There are a few obnoxious voice actors in the English cast.
-Dungeon crawling can get REALLY repetitive.
-Most "Quests" (Fetch quests in particular) feel really unrewarding. (There are a few quests which you should absolutely do though.)
-Very long intro until you get to do anything yourself.
-It's very easy to miss the true ending, and you might not even realize you missed it.


=The story is dark, and while I enjoy dark stories, some people don't.
=Graphics. While the artstyle is great, the game was originally a PS2 game, and it shows. Even though I personally don't care that much about graphics, I know a lot of people do. Though the game looks a lot better than the original PS2 version, the graphics still look dated.
=The game is long. I personally love long games, but some people prefer shorter games.

While it lacks the polish of Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal, Persona 4 golden is still a great game that holds up on it's own. The game may seem outdated, which it is as it was originally a PS2 game, but it has aged suprisingly well.
Posted 10 August, 2020.
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3 people found this review helpful
0.6 hrs on record
First off: I wanted to like this, I really did. I love the dark crystal franchise and I wanted this to be great.

But the game isn't great, it's actually pretty bad.
Everything about it feels unpolished, or perhaps that's not the right term for it, it feels like a phone game. This isn't a good thing.
The story is, from what I experienced in my limited time and from what I looked up online, pretty much the same as the netflix show. This isn't a bad thing as the story in the netflix show is actually pretty good, however the way it's told in the game is just horrible. Things advance too fast and very little is explained, I was lucky to have watched the netflix show so I understood what was going on, but I can't see anyone who actually hasn't watched the show to understand what's going on. The lack of voice acting just makes things worse.
The gameplay is subpar. Actions like attacking, casting spells etc. just lack any 'umpf' in them. It feels like everyone is just hitting each others with sticks instead of actual weapons. From what I was able to play (as I was on a time limit due to the 2 hour refund period.), and from what I saw afterwards online, there's not much strategy involved in the game.
The graphics are subpar aswell. I personally do not care about games graphics that much but I know other people do, and even I have to admit the graphics in this game belong to a phone app.
On top of everything the game itself is just boring. I tried to enjoy it, I really did, but had to request a refund once I understood I was just not enjoying it, at all.
Overall I cannot recommend this game, only pick it up if you really need another turn-based strategy game in your library.
Posted 18 February, 2020.
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315.6 hrs on record (102.2 hrs at review time)
Recommended because steam told me to recommend it and it's a good game.

PS. Please give my back my old library layout.
Posted 2 November, 2019.
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