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1 person found this review helpful
51.7 hrs on record (18.7 hrs at review time)
As someone who enjoys the 40k universe, this game is excellent at representing the world. The story is straight forward, the characters are great and the cutscenes were amazing. The gameplay is simple, over the top, and fun like a game from the 2000s. The campaign ends before you get fatigued by the simplicity or before you start to notice the enemy variety isn't "huge". I ran through the campaign and the intertwined PVE missions in maybe 15ish hours so maybe the campaign itself is only 9 hours or so. You'll have to make your own evaluation of if that's worth it when it comes to quantity vs cost. I thought the quality was worth it especially since 40k doesn't really have many good game adaptations.

As for the PVP/PVE mode, they're fun but nothing super deep, and the PVE only has 6 missions as of right now (launch). You level up classes and get numerical bonuses (damage up, recoil reduction, etc) with only a few perks really changing your playstyle if at all. There isn't much enemy variety neither, so basically the whole experience gets kind of old fast. However, there's no battlepass or any FOMO crap at the moment- so you're not getting hassled to keep playing, so feel free to enjoy it and turn it off when you're satisfied.
Posted 16 September, 2024.
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