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20.1 hrs on record (19.9 hrs at review time)
game hay vai lon
Posted 3 December, 2024.
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8.9 hrs on record (8.8 hrs at review time)
this review is for nominating badge
Posted 22 November, 2023.
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4.5 hrs on record (2.3 hrs at review time)
game hay vai~ lz
Posted 11 January, 2023.
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121.7 hrs on record (3.6 hrs at review time)
cx dc
Posted 29 November, 2022.
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17.4 hrs on record (17.4 hrs at review time)
One of the most interesting critiques that Needy Streamer Overload offers is to do with the constant struggle for “content” that online entertainers face these days. Because the idea of “creating content” has become normalised over more traditional creative pursuits such as writing, painting, making music and suchlike, there’s a constant pressure on online creative types to continually “create content”, regardless of whether it has meaning and value to both the audience and them.

This is reflected in Needy Streamer Overload by the fact that you can’t simply grind one stream type repeatedly in order to build up Ame’s following; rather, you’ll need to do all sorts of different things outside of stream time in order to come up with new “content” ideas. And, inevitably, you’ll find that certain types of “content” are more effective at pulling in the viewers and subscribers than others; unsurprisingly, lewd and ASMR streams are some of the most effective, as are conspiracy theory streams — though all of those have the potential to lead Ame down some quite specific paths in the long term.

At the heart of it all is the fact that Ame is clearly unwell. We get hints of her backstory under various circumstances over the course of Needy Streamer Overload, but it’s immediately apparent that she has not necessarily started on this road in life for the best reasons — though there’s also an argument to be made that it’s also doing her good.

In some respects, she is trying to escape the person she really is, the parts of herself that she doesn’t like and the life that she used to live — but at the same time, her online persona as “KAngel” comes across as genuine and enthusiastic towards her audience, and for the most part her audience responds positively to her, with some even commenting how they believe she has “saved” them.

Seeing both “sides” of Ame as we do, sometimes it’s easy to feel a little helpless — and a desire to “save” her. But this aspect of the game also raises its own questions. Does Ame want to be “saved”? Wouldn’t it be better if she was able to find a suitable means of existing where she doesn’t have to be dependent on someone else? Or is the opposite true? What would happen if someone — and by that I mean you — manipulated her to such a degree that she realises far too late what a mess she’s making of things?

An important thing to remember — and one we’re reminded of in some of the endings — is that as someone who has clearly been struggling with mental health issues for a while, Ame isn’t necessarily always rational. Sometimes she makes downright bad choices — even without your input — and in many cases isn’t prepared for the consequences. Sometimes you can steer her away from doing the things that will harm her; at others it’s best to let her make her own mistakes and figure something out from the experience. And there’s an argument to be made that attempting to wean her off her complete dependence on you is probably a good idea.

The beauty of Needy Streamer Overload is that there isn’t one easy answer to it all. No one ending is presented as the “correct” one, and while many of them can be looked on as quite cynical, there’s definitely a sense of realist practicality to it all. Success brings its own stresses, after all — and failure can allow you to learn important lessons.

Not only that, but it also highlights the undeniable truth that not everyone getting into the streaming game is going to see success — in fact, a very small proportion of people will. It’s not a quick route to success, it’s never the only option one has available to themselves, and it’s by no means a career path that will immediately “fix” poor life choices, mental health struggles, uncontrollable life circumstances or any of the other reasons that people get involved for reasons other than “I want to entertain people”.

To put it another way: in Needy Streamer Overload, you should be prepared for failure, because you’re likely to encounter it in one form or another before long. But that doesn’t mean you’ve “lost” or that you’ve played the game wrong; the one advantage that this game has over reality is that you can go back and try again to see what results taking a different approach might yield. Who knows? You might even find some helpful insights to consider for yourself along the way, too.
Posted 30 June, 2022. Last edited 4 August, 2023.
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14.2 hrs on record (7.7 hrs at review time)
game hay vai lz
Posted 27 May, 2022.
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1.4 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
Posted 7 January, 2022.
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76.9 hrs on record (11.1 hrs at review time)
game hay vai loz
Posted 6 January, 2022.
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1,776.8 hrs on record (79.1 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
As with any multiplayer game, the community is almost as important as the game itself. CS: GO's community is mixed at best. While you can certainly land in games with supportive (or preferably silent) teammates, I more often had to deal with disruptive members. Negative behavior includes trolls in the team chats, people who scream into their mics, and people (including children) who simply can't keep quiet. To deal with this preemptively, I recommend just muting all communications and ignoring the chat. People who advertise their Twitch channels via their usernames and those who take it upon themselves to commentate the match as it unfolds are also highly irritating.

That doesn't even address the cheating situation. Cheats typically involve slight performance perks, but the Valve Anti-Cheat System (VAC) is getting better all the time at detecting cheats installed on player's computers. Quite a few high-profile CS: GO players have been banned in the past for cheating scandals. There is an option to propose a vote to kick players out of the match, but that requires a (wholly unrealistic) consensus of players.

There are legitimate reasons for kicking players out of a match, such as if they are AFK (away from keyboard) or unnecessarily aggressive towards other players. Still, I've witnessed this system abused on occasion for players who simply make too many mistakes. Be aware that kicking off too many players can also have repercussions; you (the kicker) might be temporarily or permanently banned.

Ranked CS:GO matches are even worse. I was quite literally shouted at by teammates over the voice chat in one of the first matches I played. I am by no means great at CS: GO, but this does not make for an enjoyable experience.

If you don't want to deal with the online community, you can always play offline with bots. Of course, if you choose the free version, this is your only option. Bots are a great way to practice combat and get into the rhythm of a match, but note that playing at even the highest difficulty levels here will artificially inflate your confidence. AI-controlled bots are no substitute for the reactive, sometimes random, decisions of human-controlled players. Bots also aren't particularly good representatives of teammates either, since they tend to follow set paths and strategies, regardless of the situation at hand.

If you have never played CS:GO before, it's worth giving it a shot despite its age. If you have played it and decided to leave for whatever reason, know that not much has changed. CS: GO is still a solid multiplayer FPS with a good variety of weapons, maps, and modes. However, despite the Panorama UI update, some maps are starting to look dull compared with those in more modern titles such as PUBG and Overwatch. And although CS: GO's esports following contributes to its prolonged success, the player community is not as welcoming as others.
Posted 4 November, 2019. Last edited 6 August, 2023.
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