Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
2 käyttäjän mielestä tämä arviointi oli hauska
1.6 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 1,099.5 tuntia (436.5 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Julkaistu: 27.7.2017 klo 1.17

Creates knight and goes to cyclops. Gets level 20 and maxes dex. Finds dragonscale armor and ravenheart sword in a purple bag. Someone calls cem and I tp. We get to 4th boss and I get a resu. I procceed to get the perfect screenshot of the whitebag, and it despawns without the resu in my inv. I procceed to start freaking out and I finally accept the fact that it despawned. Someone calls another cem and on 4th boss, I say "stand in middle for white." I procceed to stand in middle untill the boss starts shooting, and i get another white bag and its a resu again. I procceed to screenshot and pick it up. I go to my vault to put the resu away till I get a 6/8 knight. I've gotten a 6/8 knight, but I didn't put the resu on it. I rush a pup with the knight (after pup nerf) and instapop on the last phase of the boss due to this guy dragging warrior puppets in the boss room when I was armor broken. I quit the game for a while because I was mad about the death. I log back on to make a pali because I got an oreo from the Thanksgiving Ocean Trench chest event. All is going well so far and the legend of the lost resu will live on. Idk why I spent my time typing this but who cares. Download the game and play with friends. Plenty of memes to be spread. Thanks for reading.
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1 kommenttia
HighPriorityToast 1.8.2017 klo 16.15 
oh wow