Stockport, Stockport, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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A highly addictive game with plenty of room for improvment.
After several days of gameplay you come to see that this isnt just another civ game, there are subtle differences such as aliens instead of barbarians that react to how you treat them. More focus on the strategic resources and three visually different worlds to explore.
However you can see that the developers have some future plans, but could have gone further into the realm of scifi to make this game stand out more than previous titles. There is too much focus, I would say, on the strategic resources with plenty of late game units and city buildings requiring a vast quantity of these three rare minerals. Probably some further ballancing required. The tech web is a nice take on a new form of tech tree, you dont need to have each tech on the web to win, you can focus on what your colony does well, but even I, after some time of playing now have a prefered path through the web.

The game to me is more finely tuned to exploration and an attempt to make each game different and allow you to make the most of the landscape or world you are on are quests, of which many allow you to make slight adjustments to your city buildings to give them some extra resouces.

Dissapointment comes from some minor areas, few unit choices, theres only one aircraft that you can upgrade through the game to suit your needs, but this aircraft is a combined bomber and fighter. The same aliens no matter what 'biome' you see. An AI that can be a little too predictable with diplomacy that doesnt go as far as some fans would like.

Dont get me wrong, I am an Alpha Centauri fan boy but like I have already said, this game had a lot of room for improvement, and the obvious holes are probably going to be patched with DLC or future expansion packs.
Personally I would like to see more diplomacy options, further work on the randomness of the worlds, maybe more alien types each with a slight difference. More choice of units away from the generalised one for all options units. A deeper look into espionage, a couple of more factions as not to have the repeated leaders each time.

For now, this is a great game and one I have been looking forward to since the release of Alpha Centauri. Im actually glad this isnt a clone but rather a close cousin to the game.
Highly recomended and I look forward to what the devs come up with for the future.
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