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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries
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47.3 hrs on record (43.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It´s a fun game with a lot of if´s. First of all if you like the first Mount & Blade, you will like this one. But you have to consider the early access aspect of it, my gametime wasn´t cut short by personal restrictions but only by crashes which frustrated me so i would stop playing the game, but still everyday i start Vortex, with some Ease-of-life-Mods an play a while until the game crashes on me.

TDLR: Buy the game if you can life with crashes and love the old Game
Posted 8 May, 2020.
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0.8 hrs on record
Die Geschichte dieses Spiels fesselt einen förmlich an seinen Stuhl. Meist deswegen weil man beim spielen einschläft oder vor lachen, ausgelöst durch die Animationen und den Models.

10/10 would never install again
Posted 4 April, 2020.
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100.7 hrs on record (95.1 hrs at review time)
This is actually the best f*cking game i have ever played. It`s huge, it`s gorgeusly looking, it has perfectly written Characters, it has a f*cking perfect modding comunity, the story is one of the best (i`m sorry i dind`t play The Last of us).
Everything (except Roach) is f*cking perfect. I love it.
Posted 26 June, 2017.
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98.1 hrs on record (97.5 hrs at review time)
It is the best "mobile game" i played in a long time. It´s way more balanced than for example Clash of Clans. You can actually play the Game without week long waiting time with everything without paying a cent. I really appreciate this.
And if you can`t already guess it by my playtime, it`s a really addicting game. The best way to play this game is when you have a second monitor and just watch a video and check every 10 seconds whats happening. If you buy or earn (with quests) yourself a Mr. Handy you don´t even have to bother checking your Vault except for attacks.
Posted 26 June, 2017.
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5 people found this review helpful
0.5 hrs on record
At first i was exited to play this game because i like games in this style, like Dungeon Defenders. But then I started this game. First my ears got f*cked by the way to loud music and the loud voice. Then there is the problem that you can´t rule down the volume of the tutorial-voice, without turning down the masters volume. After that I started to play the tutorial but it wouldn´t end. In the first 5 min the game already f*cked my mood. After i left the tutorial I wanted to play a game with my friend and we actually found a game quite quickly but when we tried to join the f*cking game crashed.
Posted 7 May, 2016.
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2,126.3 hrs on record (98.0 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Well, at first you don´t wanna play this game cause everybody wrecks you and you get demotivated, but with some friends and after a little bit of practise its quite easy to learn the Game. But then comes the Silverhell, it feels like every Game you play against a smurf or a hacker, and it seems to not get any better. And it wont get any better, only when you get to Global you cant play against Smurfs :D. But when you dont play with Hackers or Smurfs, you almost everytime play with Russians, who only communicate to eather flame you or to shout "♥♥♥♥ Bliat" in Chat. Bt hat problem you can easlily avoid by playing with a 5-men stack, with your friends. Also the freaking Pistol are unbalanced as hell, there is the Tec-9 which easily can defeat a AK-47 or M4-A1S or M4A4, or even an Awp on longrange, then there is the Five-Seven which can easily kill Players with the Tec-9 and imagine what power it has against other Weapons. But the Pistols are not the only problem instead of nerfing the Scout who has an incredible Accuracy even when jumping or moving, they nerf the Awp which already is one of the slowest weapons in the game. But after all those negative points theres one point which equals all those points:
The Game makes FUN, its FUN to play, and its FUN to learn and to get better in this Game.
So if you like games with moderate dificullty to learn, but with a lot of Fun, the Game is the perfect choice for you .
Posted 5 November, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
38.0 hrs on record (30.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Posted 2 November, 2015.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries