過去 2 週間: 0.0 時間 / 総プレイ時間:179.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:85.3時間)
投稿日: 2022年10月25日 11時58分
更新日: 2022年11月9日 11時28分

It's definitely unpolished and needs rework of some features and balancing and patching others, but the game is a very promising and good base for future development.

Current problems:
- Warfare system is absolute trash. While I really like the idea of hands-off approach to combat (since I hate Europa Universalis style micromanaged warfare) the current implementation is really bad. Managing your armies when you have many of them is pure pain with the current interface. Your troops also like to make braindead decisions when their currently assigned front disappears, or even worse decide to go home after performing naval invasion. Since they immediately teleport away you will be waiting 50 days until they come back but all of the land you managed to take will be retrieved by the enemy by then. Speaking of naval invasions, they are absolutely broken right now. The best way to win wars is to go full D-day on your enemies and take their capital without any resistance.
There is a limit of 1 battle per frontline but you can have super long frontlines like Russian-Chinese border, so advancing there will be a pain. Frontlines also like to split in unpredictable ways, but you can't split your armies assigned to a general.
- Trade interface will give you wrist cancer. Doing simple things involves a lot of clicking.
- Liberalism is broken. Your inteligentsia will be 2022-like blue haired liberals pushing for multiculturalism, which doesn't make any sense in 1836. If you enact multiculturalism racism and discrimination in your country is magically gone. Everyone is happy and everyone (even people living in the middle of some god forsaken jungle, who shouldn't even know your country exist) will be imigrating to your country, which is overpowered because you need people to work in your factories. Your native population won't be unhappy at all about you importing foreigners en masse. Since assimilation only happens when your pops are not discriminated against, everyone will magically turn white in a few decades anyways.
- Fascism is broken. There is no point to play as a totalitarian nationalist dystopia. You can't get rid of unwanted pops so at best you can hope they emigrate away. Ideally you should be able to separately decide who is discriminated against, and what form of discrimination is allowed in your country.
- AI starts wars even if they can't reach enemy's land with their troops. Since you can only wage single war at once, countries get stuck in very long wars where nothing happens.
- Diplomacy is pretty much nonexistent. Just launch diplomatic plays and pray that France won't join against you in your conquest of Bumfrick-nowhere. Of course concept of limited war doesn't exist to AI, so they will send every single french man there.
- AI is pretty dumb when it comes to building stuff, so be prepared for the shortage of every good like oil, rubber or opium.

Well, after writing all of this I realized that the game seems to be pretty much crap at the moment, but nonetheless I spent 85 hours playing it and I had a lot of fun, so I guess I can recommend it. I have a lot of hope in regards to the future development since devs addressed a lot of the issues in their roadmap.
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