jetblade545 18. Apr. um 2:38 
Atom, He Who Seeks Nowhere 17. Apr. um 23:07 
♛ Runnin 17. Apr. um 23:03 
𝙖𝙙𝙙 𝙢𝙚 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙗𝙧𝙤 :steamhappy:
Modindis 16. Apr. um 11:40 
lets do it again
Landadwyn 30. März um 8:06 
lets play <3
vekinuma 27. März um 16:09 
545 is a good number
Skirmisher_4Life 24. Nov. 2023 um 19:02 
Wanting to add you because I saw your Lethal Company post.I'm also down to play any other game too.
jetblade545 24. Aug. 2023 um 19:16 
Rudey 24. Aug. 2023 um 1:38 
To be honest, I'm not sure what Q's and A's to put on my site.
PuffDaddy 28. Juni 2023 um 21:03 
I’m soo sorry to heard that , it’s okay we all lost someone in our life you should stay strong .
jetblade545 28. Juni 2023 um 15:13 
SlimLily He's my friend that passed away do to cancer.
PuffDaddy 28. Juni 2023 um 1:31 
who was hailhydra ?
jetblade545 11. Feb. 2023 um 1:09 
what kERHUS?
kERHUS 11. Feb. 2023 um 0:41 
Hey, about better lockpicking
Xandrii 20. Juni 2022 um 13:44 
Cute fox :P
Atom, He Who Seeks Nowhere 10. Feb. 2021 um 17:37 
No problem.
jetblade545 10. Feb. 2021 um 15:13 
oh ok thanks Atom
Atom, He Who Seeks Nowhere 10. Feb. 2021 um 1:30 
Definitely a "reported you by accident" scam
jetblade545 10. Feb. 2021 um 0:22 
Meshicage just tell me here
Meshicage 10. Feb. 2021 um 0:20 
hey, i cant send you friend request, so can you add me please? its urgent
jetblade545 11. Jan. 2021 um 14:05 
yes i got my account back
FireStorm 11. Jan. 2021 um 10:28 
did you really? can i accept this friend req now?
jetblade545 8. Jan. 2021 um 18:05 
IM ALIVE i got my account back
like Ashley 7. Nov. 2020 um 0:24 
+rep horniest guy on CSGO I know honestly had a fantastic game with him. Learnt quite abit about him, like his sexuality and stuff but in all a stand up guy.


los sacos del sus sosas Vom Handel ausgeschlossen 7. Nov. 2020 um 0:24 
+rep, played a game with him and he was super ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ horny and it made the game way better. great IGL even thought hes a furry, which is obviously fine. Love you 3000
FireStorm 5. Nov. 2020 um 11:35 
♥♥♥♥, i clicked on that link
Seras the Vampire 4. Nov. 2020 um 20:07 
I told him on Discord his account got hacked.
Dexter 4. Nov. 2020 um 15:31 
His account got taken dont do whatever he asks you to do :cozycastondeath:
DemonSpawn 4. Nov. 2020 um 14:59 
Same, he tried getting me to use that facetop.site crap......
Sleeeezyy 4. Nov. 2020 um 14:57 
Poor guy lost his acc :(:steamsalty::steamsalty:
Hangry Ranger 4. Nov. 2020 um 13:26 
Tuff my guy gl getting the account back :steamsad:
The Mighty Spoon™ 4. Nov. 2020 um 12:44 
Rip this guy got his account yoinked
Whoever has this guy on discord should tell him to contact steam support
Guy With A Guitar 4. Nov. 2020 um 7:22 
RIP, used to be an old csgo friend. sent me a link to a Factop.site, hope you get your account back.
Mattcore 4. Nov. 2020 um 7:19 
****WARNING**** This guy is account fishing. Do not provide your account details to factop.site
iHearColors 4. Nov. 2020 um 3:54 
sent me a link to factop.site which is a shady link and most likely a scam. DO NOT CLICK IT
haloharry 4. Nov. 2020 um 2:23 
he just sent me a shady website,
Plague!ctrl 4. Nov. 2020 um 1:22 
ah so this account is compromised just a warning for those
boi eh jus alkahaul 12. Sep. 2020 um 17:53 
Daniel "Nero" Drake 21. Feb. 2020 um 0:28 
hello dragnoid here i finaly managed to run the ship on my pc so i sended you friend req as i plan to rebuild it with mods and could use some help XD and you are already familiar with the ship design
jetblade545 13. Feb. 2020 um 18:56 
data helldiver 13. Feb. 2020 um 18:41 
my i friend you?
jetblade545 13. Feb. 2020 um 15:29 
data helldiver 13. Feb. 2020 um 5:31 
idk just was
jetblade545 12. Feb. 2020 um 17:14 
yes. why do you ask?
data helldiver 12. Feb. 2020 um 5:43 
are you a furry?
byteframe's cat 4. Mai 2019 um 7:10 
🌋📘💛 What’s one dream that you’ve tucked away for the moment? How come? ⛳💙🚙
jetblade545 25. März 2019 um 20:45 
jetblade545 25. März 2019 um 20:37 
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.....'....''~-,|: : : : : : ~---': : : '
...............|,: : : : : --~~--: : / NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP
......,-''\':\: :'~„„_: : : : : _,- ' NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOOOWN
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;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;|. .\:/. . . .|;;;;;;;;|
Justgotshot 7. Aug. 2018 um 14:26 
┃  ● ══  █ ┃
┃█ ur adopted. █┃
┃█ -Mom&Dad █┃
┃   ○    ┃
Vinier McNuggNugg 28. Nov. 2017 um 19:33 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu4t6_CNz8A heres some music person I'm aquianted with