the names james, james bond   United States
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Review Showcase
860 Hours played
good game as long as you got chickens that screw your gameplay
keencurtis 30 Nov, 2024 @ 8:56am 
Kayleigh 💦 14 Jun, 2020 @ 12:28am 
Peter: 💄 Hey, 💛 Mort, 🎄 do 🎫 these 🥗 suppositories 👹 come 🍇 in 📀 any 📕 other 🍇 flavors? 👃 Mort 👽 Goldman: 🚗 Peter! 💙 You're 🌽 not ⛳ eating 📒 those, 🌂 are 🎍 you? 🎫 Peter: 🎁 [sarcastically] 🐠 No, 🚙 I'm 💎 shoving 💃 them ⚡ up 💚 my 📘 butt. 🥒 Of 👔 course 🌸 I'm 🎁 eating 🎈 them.
brown 2 Mar, 2020 @ 6:27pm 
SKYNET 15 Aug, 2019 @ 12:43pm