Jamu   Russian Federation
i don't delete "-rep" comments cause they're funny lol

온라인 상태
좋아하는 그룹
Team Cigarette - 공개 그룹
게임 중
채팅 중
스크린샷 전시대
Cyberpunk 2077
1 2
좋아하는 게임
플레이 시간
도전 과제
Business Plan
DEPARTMENT OF MINERALS AND ENERGY FROM OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR, PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION UNIT DEPARTMENT OF MINERALS AND ENERGY REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Email: ricardoallison10110@gmail.com I know that this proposal may come to you as a surprise especially having to come from someone you have not met before, but I would like you to co-operate with me so that this US$35M will be released and transferred into your account. My name is MR.RICARDO ALLISON the CEO / chairman of contract award committee of Department of minerals and energy company LTD, republic of South Africa. It is my profound intention to contact you for this very important and highly confidential transaction for the transfer of US$35,000, 000,.00 into your account. the (US$35,000,000.00) was the over estimated balance from the contracts awarded to both foreign and local contractors the real contract value was US$120 million united states dollars, but it was over estimated to the tune of (US$155,000, 000,00) (one hundred and fifty five million united states dollars only). The contract has been successfully executed by the contractors and their contract sum of (US$120M) has been paid to them, leaving our over estimated balance of (US$35,000, 000. 00) United States dollars still pending at the bank. Right now, we are left with this over estimated balance of (US$35M) which is still floating at the escrow account in the South African reserve bank awaiting final payment to any reliable foreign bank account you may provide. I am therefore asking you to co-operate with me so that the fund will be released and transferred into your account. if you are interested in this my proposal, reply me so that we can negotiate your percentage before we can proceed however, when the fund is transferred into your account over there, I shall obtain visa and travel with my family over there for my own share of this money in this regarding would like you to send me the following informations through the email address below for security reasons email;ricardoallison10110@gmail.com Youre Name………………………. Youre Age:…………… ………………. youre Address: …………………………… Your Private Phone ………………… Your Private Fax Numbers: Thank you and I am looking forward to hearing from you and working with you soon, bye for now and have a nice day. My best regards, MR.RICARDO ALLISON

아이템 전시대
최근 활동
기록상 2.1시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 7월 26일
기록상 1,455시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 7월 15일
기록상 3.8시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 7월 15일
[RTB]грешник 2024년 3월 22일 오후 7시 40분 
-rep cheating
Flash Ash 2023년 10월 20일 오전 11시 18분 
-rep cheating virgin just like all his steam friends..they all cheat together..some like ExLife dont even hide it..noobs..
Tjasch 2023년 5월 24일 오후 1시 53분 
bruno 2023년 5월 16일 오전 6시 15분 
VVVetal 2023년 5월 16일 오전 6시 09분 
ok 2022년 6월 21일 오후 9시 08분 
pretty good game, emma was playing hard to get but i like that, cant wait for the sequel, although i hope the animation is better in the next game since the next gen consoles are available now.