issvor / / /
My VAC mile stones

November 24, 2010

1 VAC ban(s) on record | Info
0 day(s) since last ban

August 20, 2013

1 VAC ban(s) on record | Info
1000 day(s) since last ban

July 23, 2014

1 VAC ban(s) on record | Info
1337 day(s) since last ban

August 28, 2015

1 VAC ban(s) on record | Info
1738 day(s) since last ban

November 24, 2015

1 VAC ban(s) on record | Info
1826 day(s) since last ban

May 16, 2016

1 VAC ban(s) on record | Info
2000 day(s) since last ban

November 24, 2017

1 VAC ban(s) on record | Info
2557 day(s) since last ban
7 years old, VAC ban is no longer public

Feburary 10, 2019

1 VAC ban(s) on record | Info
3000 day(s) since last ban

November 24, 2020

1 VAC ban(s) on record | Info
3653 day(s) since last ban

November 6, 2021

1 VAC ban(s) on record | Info
4000 day(s) since last ban

September 23, 2022

1 VAC ban(s) on record | Info
4321 day(s) since last ban
Currently Online
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In Chat
"I think he's using secret aim" -Aendori 2k14
About me []
CS:S Land of Videogames - Powered By theMAMBLE Tournament #1 Champion []
Autoexec.cfg (10/10/18) []
Movie.cfg (07/30/16) []
7:28 PM - ckap: i have a thing for flatchested redhaired women, and a thing for getting in excess of 1400fps in cs:source
7:28 PM - ckap: these are all that matter in my life, colton
KOLER adds me after I play against him in wingman
6:10 PM - KOLER: hi, i was wondering what cheats you were using, that are safe to use. becuase i know vac net had a big banwave
6:11 PM - issvor / / /: LOL
6:11 PM - issvor / / /: my guy
6:11 PM - issvor / / /: come on now
6:11 PM - issvor / / /: im not cheating
6:11 PM - KOLER: after that claiming legit, lol
6:12 PM - KOLER is now Offline.
11:36 PM - ckap: O N L Y A M E R I C A N S E A T D U C K S A U C E
11:37 PM - ckap: O N L Y I N A M E R I C A
11:38 PM - ckap: W H E N I W A S 1 7 C O P T H E C H R Y S L E R S E B R I N G
11:38 PM - ckap: D R I V E M E H O M E I N A L A M B O A N D F U C K M E F O R F R E E
11:38 PM - issvor / / /: conner
11:39 PM - ckap: what
10:56 AM - issvor / / /: multi-tasking is hard
10:57 AM - Jetex: I feel that
10:57 AM - Jetex: sometimes when I ♥♥♥♥
10:57 AM - Jetex: I can't decide if I should push, or continue breathing
8:00 PM - ♥ ALISON ♥ WONDERLAND'91 #くそ: i was just born a paul ,)
8:00 PM - issvor: hey, i found your other eye
8:00 PM - issvor: .
8:00 PM - issvor: there you go
8:00 PM - ♥ ALISON ♥ WONDERLAND'91 #くそ: thanks .,)
4:35 PM - rane: kill yourself
4:35 PM - rane is now Offline.
10:02 PM - ckap: GG
10:02 PM - ckap: literally kill yourself
10:03 PM - ckap:
8:04 PM - ckap MAMBLE: It was the year 1738.
3:05 PM - ISSVOR: zach told you to send me a ♥♥♥♥ pic
3:05 PM - ISSVOR: and you did it?
3:05 PM - Bamboozled: yeah it was pretty kek
3:05 PM - Bamboozled: not gonna lie
11:26 PM - ISSVOR: how do you get overwatched so often?
11:26 PM - Dystopia (1): no clue
11:26 PM - Dystopia (1): ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I guess
1:59 PM - Sartorius: i genuinely did get a brazzers subscription
1:59 PM - Sartorius: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ best money i've ever spent
1:59 PM - wcyd: thepiratebay is a cool thing, too
1:59 PM - Sartorius: i can't torrent on my iPad
1:59 PM - Sartorius: lmao
8:38 PM - MINKYOU: I was wondering
8:38 PM - MINKYOU: how to get some walls
8:39 PM - MINKYOU: and my ass saw u had a vac
8:39 PM - wcyd: you have to be born with them
8:39 PM - wcyd: it's a genetic mutation
8:39 PM - MINKYOU: ..
8:39 PM - MINKYOU: come on
8:39 PM - wcyd: xray vision
8:40 PM - MINKYOU: what bout bhop script
8:41 PM - wcyd: my mom was a rabbit
8:41 PM - wcyd: my name's actualy Thumper
8:41 PM - MINKYOU: s;lknfdfads'ka
<17:47:58> "Umbrella☂" pokes you: be a ♥♥♥ then
<17:48:00> "Umbrella☂" disconnected (leaving)
6:35 PM - RemZ: vac bann gg
6:35 PM - RemZ: shows their ♥♥♥♥
6:35 PM - RemZ: probaly overwatch peice of ♥♥♥♥ bann
6:35 PM - wcyd: HAHA
6:35 PM - RemZ: thats ridiculous bro
6:35 PM - wcyd: no one will buy your account now
6:35 PM - wcyd: ggwp
6:36 PM - RemZ: ♥♥♥♥ is stupid
6:36 PM - RemZ is now Offline.
*DEAD* Demogortavious‎ : how hard are you cheating
*DEAD* Klaus‎ : nice trig
*DEAD* Klaus‎ : u cant doubble dink on 64 tick
*DEAD* Randy the Rifler‎ : the easiest reports of my liufe
*DEAD* Klaus‎ : LOL
Randy the Rifler‎ : look at all those VACs
issvor / / /‎ : its just one vac
*DEAD* Randy the Rifler‎ : you're a moron
*DEAD* Klaus‎ : so cancer
*DEAD* Assist Queen‎ : my vac milestones what a loser
Joey2Tap‎ : I had to report you last time we played you have a trigger bot
Klaus‎ : u dont play faceit
Klaus‎ : lol
issvor / / /‎ : yes i do
Klaus‎ : ur cheats dont load on there?
*DEAD* Dolphin‎ : so obvious
*DEAD* Dolphin‎ : ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ blatant ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you should really killyuorself
*DEAD* Dolphin‎ : you'll lose that account soon enough
*DEAD* LoLife‎ : k bud
*DEAD* LoLife‎ : ur not legit
beakie: tk me and i'll ddos you
*DEAD* issvor / / / : oblivious*
*DEAD* Oblivion : iss stfu man u toggle to win
*DEAD* Achilles_ : Report for issvor >> submitted, report id 3268270589550264620.
Pastry Licker : you hit alot of shots through smoke mate with no hesitation
*DEAD* Pastry Licker : ye ok reported btw
Player Pastry Licker left the game (Disconnect)
zander : good cheats eh
zander : turn those off you virgin
zander : gg hackers
zander : ♥♥♥♥ yourselves
*DEAD* WANAMBE : hackier
issvor >> : \o/
*DEAD* WANAMBE : stop shooting threw wakll
*DEAD* WANAMBE : ♥♥♥♥♥♥
*DEAD* WANAMBE : obvious
*DEAD* WANAMBE : bllsht
*DEAD* WANAMBE : stfu ur nothing
*DEAD* WANAMBE : nice proof right here
*DEAD* WANAMBE : its fuki nobvious
issvor >> : gg
*DEAD* WANAMBE : go ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
*DEAD* WANAMBE : hacker
issvor >> : ace!
Computerimac : ♥♥♥
issvor >> : why are you so mad
Computerimac : cause you're a ♥♥♥♥♥
issvor >> : \o/
issvor >> : angry
*DEAD* Computerimac : ♥♥♥♥ you
issvor >> : gh
*DEAD* Computerimac : ♥♥♥
*DEAD* Computerimac : wow
*DEAD* Computerimac : ♥♥♥♥♥
issvor >> : gg
*DEAD* Computerimac : no it wasn't
*DEAD* Computerimac : kill yourself
*DEAD* Developer :D : nice hacks
*DEAD* Developer :D : enjoy vac
*DEAD* issvor >> : already have one
*DEAD* Developer :D : explains it all
Color Ghost : GG cheater
*DEAD* Color Ghost : stfu :)
*DEAD* ✪ Kevin23: stupid ♥♥♥♥
*DEAD* nitsuA : do you have any type of life....
*DEAD* Hani ツ : make it more blatant
*DEAD* Hani ツ : your garbasge
*DEAD* DaZed : auctally hacking
*DEAD* DaZed : LOL
Anticoward : ♥♥♥♥ you issvor
Anticoward : stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥
*DEAD* Anticoward : have fun with ban issvor
Mr. Hard Nipples : iss, toggle more
Mr. Hard Nipples : just giving iss more time to toggle more.
Mr. Hard Nipples : its ok. he will get good 1 day. not today,but 1 day maybe
Mr. Hard Nipples : best part is he makes no effort to hide it. easy case for overwatch
*DEAD* $◻〇$◻$◻$$◻〇◻$ : issvor nice csgo stats
*DEAD* $◻〇$◻$◻$$◻〇◻$ : i mean 91% hs acc
$◻〇$◻$◻$$◻〇◻$ : more than scream and more than any other legit player
*DEAD* $◻〇$◻$◻$$◻〇◻$ : issvor stfu cheater lol
*DEAD* $◻〇$◻$◻$$◻〇◻$ : busted by csgostats
*DEAD* Centriik : issvor ur a loser lol
*DEAD* Follow @ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com: mate im mates with so many GEs
*DEAD* Follow @ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com: im a streamer rofl
*DEAD* Follow @ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com: im just playing up right now
wcyd: link me your stream
Follow @ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com: no why would i do that?
AT&T is ♥♥♥♥ : iss its obv u cheated early rounds and stopped once u got the lead, pz, game is ez
AT&T is ♥♥♥♥ : no1 is trying anymore
AT&T is ♥♥♥♥ : can u just win? its pointless even if we hit 14 rounds, iss will just toggle for the win
*DEAD* >>DM314<<: wow
*DEAD* Follow @ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com: hitting lots of jumping awp shots, must be confient too hit em with an awp 24 7
Follow @ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com: idrc if youre hacking or not but just like every skecthy play i see, well let overwatch decide
Watermelon Wolf: hes badge carry
Follow @ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com: rofl ive seen mgs who couldnt even hit those 24 7
Follow @ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com: badge means nothing
Follow @ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com: even seen GE who cant hit those
AYY LMAO: its random
*DEAD* Follow @ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com: lol no its not
*DEAD* Follow @ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com: its all algorythms
♥ ALISON ♥ WONDERLAND'96 #くそ 14 Apr, 2023 @ 1:43pm 
hey, sorry I saw your profile and I just thought you looked cute in your picture, I really wanted to tell you that)) It's really rare to see girls playing video games haha! I don't know why its a guy thing honestly im like really against misogyny and like ill be the one in the kitchen making sandwiches. We should really play l4d2 sometime its a really cool zombie game with a lot of scary moments, but don't worry ill be there to protect you ;) sorry that wasnt flirting I swear Im just trying to be friendly I really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Really sorry i'm really shy I don't go out much haha add me on skype we should talk more you look really nice and fun xxx
♥ ALISON ♥ WONDERLAND'96 #くそ 16 Feb, 2023 @ 3:47pm 
+rep scammer
76561199004128210 28 Sep, 2022 @ 10:24am 
yo yo , add me pls -_-
76561199304478415 28 Sep, 2022 @ 5:23am 
have an offer, added
♥ ALISON ♥ WONDERLAND'96 #くそ 10 Aug, 2022 @ 5:30am 
*oink oink* (depressingly oinks in minecraft pig sounds)
issvor / / / 14 Jul, 2022 @ 4:14pm 
no. no you cant