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Évaluations récentes de Irish Weegee

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3.7 h en tout (3.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Fun and quick puzzle game, theres a skip puzzle button in the menu if you get stumped and just want to see the art.
Évaluation publiée le 15 février 2021.
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1.8 h en tout
First and foremost, this is an MMO in the clothing of a third person shooter, and it does very little to hide it.

The guns are first listed by their DPS, not range, not accuracy, not damage per shot, but damage per second. The second quest/mission gives you a shotgun, that the game discourages you from using because it has less DPS. However I was finding that I could one shot thugs with it, at half of a decent range. But that was quickly brushed aside as I was reminded that I was always online when I squared a shot on someone running at me, he took 5 more shots at me, AND THEN the numbers of damage popped up signaling a hit and death.

Yeah, every time you shoot someone, it pops up 120-250 depending on a headshot. You can turn this off to take the game closer to shooter territory but these numbers irk me in two ways.

1. These entry level, level 1 thugs have 1000~ hp. The only reason this number is so high is to give you the feeling of doing hundreds of points of damage and the gun dps starts in the 1200 range. I looked at the end game gear and hes doing 90-127K damage per shot, bigger numbers = bigger feeling of accomplishment apparently.

2. The starting gear takes 4-5 headshots to take down some clown wearing a beanie. I don't like this disconnect from reality, the idea that the guy ate 3 rounds to the gourd and kept on trucking like nothing happened is rather jarring for me. I dont care if you're a zombie or a mutant, an extra bleeding hole in your head is still a vital shot and should be debilitiating if not incapacitating.

And if you like numbers, my God does it continue to throw numbers at you. Your gear is listed as Backpacks, Body Armor, Gloves, Holsters, Kneepads, and Masks. All of these things apparently increase your defense and some will increase various stats or have effects on skills. Now Body Armor I understand helps stop bullets, Knee Pads are pushing it, but GLOVES?! YOUR SIDEARM HOLSTER!?! IF YOU GET SHOT IN THE MASK, EXPECT THE CORONOR TO PEEL IT OFF YOUR FACE AND PICK OUT YOUR TEETH FOR DENTAL REGISTRY. But enough about the constant "this has one more armor than the current gloves you have on."

I can't speak too much on skills besides the radar pulse skill thing that tells you where enemies are as well as giving bonus crit damage and crit chance. Crit chance in a realistic shooter? Does it cause rounds to be attracted to their head? Because in almost any shooter with humans, you score a crit when you hit them in the dome.

My last points are about how the game suffers from being an always online MMO format game. After doing the first few missions, solo, and seeing all of these cutscenes about how I'm the only hope to restore Manhattan, I immediately ran into a dozen players all dancing and clapping. MMO's can NOT do this 'only you can save the world' garbage when there are literally MILLIONS OF US ALL BEING TOLD WE ARE THE ONLY ONE.

And when you cannot walk through other players in safe houses, it will lead to griefers and trolls. I had to return and report after the first three missions. You have to walk through a tiny apartment door in order to get in or out. Two players stood side by side and just appluded each other as two dozen players sat around waiting for these turds to stop and move so that we could play. I sat there for close to 4 minutes waiting for them to get bored and go. Not much time but when I only played 104 minutes before I called it off, about 4% of my game time was waiting on someone I never had any intention of communicating with.

I will only recommend this if you enjoy min-maxing and numbers on the screen. Again, this game is an MMO disguised as a third person shooter.
Évaluation publiée le 21 mars 2016.
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