Leon Lonsdale   Wirral, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Former professional Unreal Tournament player - World Cyber Games UT2003 UK NW 2nd Place, WCG UT2004 UK finals 4th Place, i20 UT2004 iCTF 1st Place, i21 UT2004 1on1 2nd Place, i21 UT2004 iCTF 1st Place, i21 UT2004 DDOM 1st Place. Turned CSS player, Clanbase Open Cup 2004 1st Place, Clanbase EuroCup 2005 4th Place, gone World First chasing WoW player with Last Resort, Over Exposure and Prime - Illidan Stormrage world 2nd, Overwatch Grand Master, Valorant Immortal, top 10 NW speed run times.
Currently Offline
VVP999 29 Jan, 2016 @ 12:05pm 
Very nice player <3