Smugass Braixen-Chan
Insanity Wolf-Chan   Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
Currently Project: Jurassic World Evolution
Goal: 5 Stars on all Islands
Вітрина творчих робіт
Take a seat
8 3 1
Dates are based on when I played, not on release date

2022: Recettear (Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon is runner-up)
2021: Wolcen
2020: Fairy Fencer F (Sonic Generations & Rimworld is runner-up)
2019: AI: The Somnium Files (Skylar and Plux & Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is runner-up)
2018: Pokemon Blue (Stellaris is runner-up)
2017: Warframe (Adventure Quest 3D runner-up)
2016: Tyranny (Elite Dangerous is runner-up)
2015: The Last Tinker: City of Colours
2014: Omerta (Pokemon X is runner-up)
2013: Endless Space
2012: Torchlight
2011: Killing Floor
2010: Team Fortress 2

Dates are by release-date, since I do not know, and wouldn't be able to figure out, when I played

2009: Sims 3
2008: Little Big Planet
2007: Medieval 2: Total War: Kingdoms
2006: Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning, (Runner’s Up: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Final Fantasy XII, LotR: The Battle for Middle-Earth 2)
2005: Musashi Samurai Legend (PS2)
2004: Neverwinter Nights Platinum Edition (Runner Up: LotR: The Battle for Middle-Earth)
2003: Sonic Heroes & Final Fantasy X-2
2002: Warcraft 3 (Runners Up: Star Fox Adventures, Battlefield 1942, GTA: Vice City)
2001: Advance Wars (Runner Up: Final Fantasy X, Dark Cloud, Lemmings 3D (From Triple Pack))
2000: Pokemon Gold
1999: Pokemon Yellow
1998: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
1997: Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
1996: Super Mario 64
1995: MechWarrior 2
1994: Doom II
1993: Lemmings 2: The Tribes (Runner-Up: Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind)
1992: Sonic 2 (Runner-Up: Home Alone (Sega Megadrive))
1989: Super Mario Land


:spyro:Emotes highlight noteworthy achievements:lilacstare:

- eXceed 1 --- November 2013 - Normal Difficulty

- AI: The Somnium Files --- October 2019 - Partial: Only a couple of endings

- Skylar & Plux: Adventure on Clover Island --- November 2019 - Completed Story

- :spyro:Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force:lilacstare: --- May 2020 - Standard Ending (1/3)

- :spyro:Sonic Generations:lilacstare: --- October 2020 - Cleared Story

- :spyro:Sonic Forces:lilacstare: --- May 2021 - Cleared Story

- :spyro:BattleTech:lilacstare: --- June 2021 - Cleared Story

- :spyro:Avernum: Escape from the Pit:lilacstare: --- December 2021 - Freedom for Avernum Ending (1/3)

- :spyro:Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale:lilacstare: --- July 2022 - Completed 5 Week Debt


- Haunted Past: Realm of Ghosts --- April 2014 - Hidden Object Game
- Gearcrack Arena (No Longer on Steam!) --- May 2015
- Nightmare of the Deep: The Cursed Heart --- May 2015 - Hidden Object Game
- Farm For Your Life --- February 2016 - Completed Story
- Predynastic Egypt --- December 2019 - Normal Difficulty
- Steam Tactics --- March 2020 - Completed Story
- Helltaker --- May 2020 - Partially Completed, did not defeat final boss ^^;
- Story of Eve - A Hero's Study --- February 2022 - Fully Completed


- Chosen --- March 2018
- Evil Maze --- January 2019 - Both the standard game and the DLC
- Meltys Quest --- October 2019
- Ashes of Immortality --- December 2019 (Game 1 + 2)
- Storm of Spears --- December 2019
- Shining Plume --- December 2019
- Jade's Journey --- January 2020


Only 1 Ending, unless otherwise specified
(K) means Kinetic Novel with a single linear story-path (VNs with only minor branches will be counted as Kinetic for this list)

- Magical Diary --- June 2012
- Miniature Garden --- April 2017
- Lionessy Story (K) --- January 2018
- Boarding College --- February 2019 - All Endings (I was bored)
- By Moonlight (K) --- February 2019
- Killmonger --- July 2019 - All Endings, including secret ending
- Super Web Kittens: Act I (K) --- October 2019
- I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin' Good Dating Simulator (K) --- September 2019
- Sakura Spirit (K) --- October 2019
- Otter of My Life --- October 2019
- Lovers of Aether --- April 2019
- Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY! --- June 2020
- Time Tenshi (K) --- June 2020 (Volume 1 + 2)
- Karakara (K) --- June 2020 (Volume 1 + 2)
- Higurashi: When They Cry (K) --- July 2020 (Volume 1 + 2 + 3)
- Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru (K) --- July 2020 (Volume 1 + 2)
- Highway Blossoms (K) --- May 2021
Вітрина знімків екрана
Shallow Personality Spatula
8 1
Колекціонер ігор
TenmuGaming 14 листоп. 2015 о 8:54 
It's fine, balloon butt!
And yeah, changed character after so long.
Gemininovastar 24 берез. 2015 о 16:51 
darkfool83 21 берез. 2013 о 2:33 
oh hi there!!