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總時數 0.0 小時
This DLC is that kind of creepy weird I thought had some fun ideas that were executed fine but could've been even larger if the DLC was less compacted/restricted.

Weapons range from interesting to ok thats in my backpack now
Zombies have some wild designs
Really great dialogue for every player character
Keeps that "I don't know whats up but you told me to do thing so lets see what happens" story vibe I like with dead island
Level design is off the charts visually and I enjoyed being in the world everywhere but the forest area after a time

The bad:
Missions are kinda eh
abilities are kinda eh
creepy brains explode when a crossbow is shot at them. neat idea but what? its just like.... a crossbow bolt with a frequency or something like that.
It's pretty short

A great little thing to get if you're already into the game but I'd say play first before you decide going the extra mile for DLC. It's a welcome addition but this is not a lot for 15 bucks. Positive but mixed feelings on this.
張貼於 10 月 15 日。
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總時數 0.0 小時
The good:
Some pretty fun weapons
Some pretty fun skills I wish i had in the base game so now i boot this up grab the skill and then go back to the main story
Pretty on design with a over the top music festival for the most part
It tried to approach with the knowledge that players would be coming from both kitted and non kitted runs by offering a pretty ok vending machine with pretty much a kit in exchange for in game earned currency

The bad and I wish i could just give mixed:
No characters really feel great to remember
The story progresses but to what end? The game's biggest weakness continues with a now paranormal/hive mind gimmick that isn't going anywhere because unless it's announced we get more DLC, content or a third game we're kinda just.......... left with that. And I guess it was kinda "what would fill in here" but we did not need to get this deep into the weird fleshy magic bit for a really REALLY focused game on a slayer just trying to get out.
Enemies are really rough around the edges. Not hard, just really tedious that it'll catch players. A stun whip, zombie power shut down, a beam of blood see where I'm going with this why are the zombies turning into rated R plants vs zombies. The whip special could fit in more and be ok but the weird fleshy goo I have no words.
The music festival DLC is when the entire story turns into a song is the enemy. cool. we got the beat.

Worth it if you really like this game and just want more content to explore. Not worth it for the story. Spooky flesh ghosts have consumed us. I guess. First DLC was a nice ooook zombie cult weird thing but this was..... further.
張貼於 10 月 15 日。
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總時數 14.0 小時 (評論時已進行 12.1 小時)
Played destiny and a big fan of rougelites? There's a lot for you here.
There's something beautiful about devs being inspired by other games and using the gameplay formula to build something new. You can feel the appreciation for the gunplay of destiny around every corner. Animations pull you right back in and a lot of overall gameplay choices express this further.
And unfortunately, this also means a lot of challenges destiny's gameplay have carried over as well. Enemies struggle at range and sniper enemies become the main threat. Guns fall into heavy meta categories for effectiveness and some fights feel more annoying than a struggle to overcome.

But there's one mechanic I have to point out as it creates a lot of horrible feelings in the flow of gameplay. STAMINA
This is different from your usual bar full, use bar, recharge. It still works like that but Witchfire takes it a step further by typing a mechanic in called Focus.
Focus is like "ooo im not getting hit" and when you do, you lose additional stamina you built up and getting damaged a lot, even when playing it right to not die, is a punishment that takes a lot of noticeable movement ability. Stack that with a depleted longer cooldown and you're left with this demand for a combat ballet without your dancing shoes.
Personally, I think this is a issue of tweaking regen options and possibly making it fall more in line with the overall flow. Punish me for spam but give me the ability to recover. Otherwise, I'd very much like to see a parry button or maybe a parry option to work for that gives me that tool to block one extra shot. It could be a charge like melee.

And to the devs if you read this, I see it. I see your vision and I can do nothing but commend you all on how good this game looks and plays. You've nailed so many things and there's a massive amount of potential for the game. Can't wait to see what's added in the journey to 1.0
張貼於 10 月 8 日。
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總時數 53.7 小時 (評論時已進行 36.4 小時)
Lots to love. Lots to hate.
Space Marine 2 as a campaign is super enjoyable with some of the worst companion AI to date. They will leave you to die, they will let you down and they will barely kill. As a story, there was a lot to enjoy and the fights felt great. What didn't was the dodge times for certain enemies and how that interacts with the gun counter. Weapon choices at the end felt pushed to this ladder system that doesn't exist. All the guns do the job. Some maybe a little better but not crazy different besides the usual "a sniper will do massive damage and a big machine gun tears".
But as for everything else in this game, my emperor did things go wrong.
-Classes are forced in both pve and pvp with limited slots, leading to a quick dash to get what you want or be thrust into this long loading screen to find out your class was taken. (this is being fixed but come on how many times does this have to go wrong for it to stop getting a pass just because "they're fixing it after launch")
-Always online.... even in campaign. Yes, you can play offline but boy oh boy IT WILL LET YOU KNOW YOU ARE PLAYING OFFLINE. Multiplayer in campaign was great but it instantly became and continues to be "is it gonna let me join with no issues today?" or even worse getting kicked out of your mission because "you've lost connection". Solo play come on now.
-Pvp is just a unbalanced mess. Some classes do great while others are the easiest thing to pick off in the world. Add awful skill ranges and very big team level differences with a one spawn point. The writing cannot be more on the wall at that point
-Menu in menu, perk tree in perk tree. Just a lot of big fat nothing burger stuff. Pve it does make a difference but its per class so.... if you don't get you class you don't use these loadouts and trees.

There's a lot to pick at but honestly, pick it up now and take the problems for a kicka** warhammer adventure or wait till it's on sale and actually gets the polish in its systems it desperately needs. Either way, this isn't a title that's meant to be a forever game. But oh man when that gameplay flow hits, you really get into it and that's all I wanted out of this title.
張貼於 9 月 12 日。
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總時數 206.8 小時 (評論時已進行 76.7 小時)
The concept for this game: Half life and Scp with survival games mixed in. If that sounds cool at all to you, there's a lot for you here. In it's early state, it has so much to offer a first time experience. A lot of things are working here and it amounts to a solid experience exploring GATE (black mesa and SCP facilities combined).

The Good:
-Exploring feels really solid
-Progression feels tight to the point where you see your gameplay have an effect on the facility itself through
-You really feel like a Scientist in a half life scenario
-Weapon design is on point to the theme. Would love to see more alien weapons or home made ones like the scrap weapons
-Crafting is fun and finding new items is fun to see what's new to make
-Solid amount of content in EA. Excited to see what will be added
-Some of the locations were executed well in throwing you for a loop
-The power system works pretty well. The concept of power going off at night and using office outlets was a great mechanic to interact with

The Bad:
-Audio levels of characters are not rounded out yet. This means some speak normally and some BLAST YOUR EARS OH HELLO GORDON (might be fixed later)
-Currently some technical issues with frame drops the further you explore. This will most likely be fixed as this is EA
-Balancing isn't great yet. There's a system at play for types of weapons, elements and damage ranging as the player lands hits on limbs, armor or the head.
-Hitboxes are pretty messy in it's current state
-Skill tree could use a reorganization/lowering of when some skills are delivered. Impact is reduced for some skills as the skill is way too high (larger melee) for things that do a lot less damage or put the player at risk.
-Storage systems aren't added yet so inventory management can get a little overwhelming.
-Some guns can't be repaired. Imagine getting a gun early so you grind up to have it break and then have no way to fix it. The grind vs using a weapon gets tedious fast especially with the current very low ammo economy
-Stacks are so low that it takes several slots and can make bloated amounts of resources when it could take at the very least a little less than what it currently does

And this is kinda mid but the game has a system where killing some enemies with specific methods gives different item drops. While a cool concept, it's not the best for progression. Now that I'm into a second run I went for a backpack that has 30 slots in the first 10 minutes. It's gimmick is weight reduction is not on the item but you're able to move while overweight so..... why ever wear a normal backpack again I had to hunt for.
All and all this is a really great game I hope keeps the momentum and continues to deliver a solid experience. I had a great time playing this title with more time planned to be put in with just this version. Cheers devs this one is a banger.
張貼於 5 月 20 日。
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總時數 36.8 小時 (評論時已進行 4.4 小時)
When the don't starve devs say you've had it too easy

A lot of the reviews bounce between "It scales too hard", technical issues and some honestly weird expectations so uh here's a review from someone that got the game to play with friends and has been through this set of devs EA process.

TLDR; Game is good but difficulty and balancing are going to be a big discussion or focus for the game. Content will definitely be welcomed as the game adds more during EA. For 10 bucks this is a fun but difficult game from a group that brought you a series that was not easy and did wipe the floor with players. Lots of mechanics to enjoy and feedback is welcomed. Game also runs really well and makes total use of the 2D artstyle. Lots of ways to play and have fun with friends but solo is a great hardcore challenge as well if you like that kind of thing.

So much is subject to change in EA releases and don't starve together was a great example of that. The game that exists today is filled with so many changes and additions that the original game seems like a whole different game. As for Rotwood, I really think this will be the same case.

Combat is hardcore combos and understanding where you commit and where you hold back or do ranged damage. Definitely need some more weapons added to the game, especially early game, to encourage a little more change to the playstyles you use at the start but the ideas for combat is something I haven't really seen much if at all of. You have a hammer, a dodgeball called a striker, a actual cannon and a spear pike thing that all have extremely unique playstyles that get furthered by newer weapons with different versions of each weapon. Dodgeballs are so far my favorite and provide the ability to do passive damage through your friends actually smacking the balls at enemies as well as you. The bouncing around is not only great but provides a whole new way to approach encounters. Every weapon is like this with all having strengths, combos and specific requirements to do the biggest amount of damage. This doesn't seem super clear at first but there's challenges that all list the abilities so over time you build game knowledge on what's what.

Maps feel a little bland but do the exact job they need to. I'd really like to see more of a push later to give more dynamic arenas to fight within each set piece. Only the second boss so far has something a little more made to be unique to the fight.

Should talk about bosses though as this is a big point of contention for a lot of players right now. The first boss is a big check on "hey dummy you dodgin?" and is more of a dump dps while you learn to deal with the move sets. The second boss however is a MASSIVE fast paced version of this meaning you either get that timing down quick or you are not progressing. The roguelike skill building can help counter this boss and armor upgrades can do even more but overall, jesus christ that's one hell of a skill check. Definitely something that won't stay the way it is or will at the very least be something the devs have a discussion over so just EA early stuff with balancing.

Frenzy mode is like this prestige level mechanic that lets you redo a level with higher tier enemies and gets much much harder. Even with really solid builds and players that knew whats up we got slapped to the ground (doing it under the gear requirement majorly as well). But is that a bad thing? No. You can choose which level of frenzy you play which means more freedom for the player to play as you want with the only big thing you miss out on is higher rewards.

It was really fun and EA always has some bumps but people are way too harsh on this. Give it a try and if ya don't like it, refund if you meet the policy guidelines for that. It's a fun challenge for roguelike players as well
張貼於 4 月 27 日。
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總時數 15.8 小時 (評論時已進行 5.4 小時)
It's not anything crazy and expecting anything besides southpark being southpark is getting your hopes up for a game you're not getting. TLDR; if you expected them to make a 3rd installment of the other 2 games' themes, this isn't for you. If you enjoy southpark and just wanted to have a little fun for a under 60 game, you 110% can get something you'll enjoy from this.

This was a pretty decent and fun roguelike with a more centered focus on the overall story. It was short but a nice little break from other games. Hard mode gave me a balanced amount of combat so I'd recommend playing on that for more of a challenging or honestly just better combat to engage with. This is a game to have fun for a few hours, with friends or randoms or bots, and just chill with it.

The roguelike elements are actually pretty good for a roguelike. They flow a lot better than a lot of roguelikes tend to struggle with and you genuinely feel upgrades.
The skill tree is a bit grindy but functions as actual upgrades for your character. Balancing is maybe a bit off but for the most part, everything seemed like it could be used without putting yourself at a massive determinant for using what you want.
Co-op worked really well. I was able to jump into random matches without a hitch and playing with friends didn't take ages to join. They even have settings so you can dodge getting spoilers while matchmaking.
The world itself is pretty well done but maybe feels a little too lifeless at times as the city is covered in snow and a lot less south park residents are going outside.
Jokes were a little toned down but to be expected. Much much harder for the IP to use as much edgy humor categories as it did in the past with other games. That definitely was noticeable but nothing crazy. The characters acted like kids on a snow day in south park. What you would want.
Combat is a little jank at times but there's some real combos out there you can have fun with. Use the flamethrower wand and the black hole balloon. You'll have some fun

All in all, this game delivered a fun little 3D experience. 30 bucks is a little steep for the amount of content but where there isn't content to play, a lot of the work obviously went into making sure the game felt like the IP in 3D and making it keep the theme. It's biggest flaw is that game mechanics needed more focus over the look but when we're talking about games that are using a IP, this definitely is not at the bottom. It's a pretty mid in that regard. Content looks like it could be pretty decent for anyone wanting to rotate this game as a little breather from others. We'll have to see what they have planned once we start seeing visuals of that DLC.
And it's important to note day 1 DLC did happen and that's always a rough move to make in consumerism. I'm not a fan of this tactic but it wasn't crazy overpriced 20 dollar skins so not really as bad. Just leaves a bad taste in people's mouths.
張貼於 3 月 27 日。
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總時數 19.9 小時 (評論時已進行 19.9 小時)
I bought this to improve my reactions a bit. It kinda helped but I mainly got better at some rhythm games because of this. Pretty decent amount of content.

Also the april fools character was the best unlock I've ever gotten look it up
張貼於 2 月 2 日。
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總時數 77.1 小時
One of those games that is just pure fun.
I'm a big fan of pretty much every mechanic and gameplay element in this game. Everything is just done well and every character provides a variety to ways to play. Sitting at a pretty affordable price too you get a lot of content to sink your teeth into.
This game gets gameplay loop for this genre and runs a marathon with it. Unlocking new things feels great and the devs do a great job communicating/delivering solid updates. The roadmap has been met every time and I continue to be excited to see what this game adds next.

Only one thing to kinda have a gripe about and that's the extra 4th stage boss. Mechanics get a little rough to interact with but as that's optional and extra endgame content it's not a huge deal.

You'll be able to get 10-20 hours easy just doing runs over and over trying to learn items and unlocking more. Give it a real shot you won't regret it.
張貼於 2 月 2 日。
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總時數 8.9 小時
A roguelike with combat I wish was in other games.
This genre can be in so many different forms but this one stands out to me based on the combat alone. It perfectly saw combat like doom eternal and said hold up you're onto something and executed it.
The only real short comings are the lackluster roguelike upgrades and small improvements you get as really combat loop and juggling is key to beating the run. Abilities are also locked to a class system that stays basic and would be amazing if it allowed you to edit the player robot through choices instead of 4 different playstyles of classes.

If you like super fast combat like Ultrakill and see this on sale, pick it up. 25 is a bit much as you don't have as much interest in replaying compared to some roguelikes that really hook you into doing the loop over and over.
張貼於 2 月 2 日。
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