Halo Master Chief Shower Head 12. Juni um 11:45 
ryan's teeth
OwnedAnt 9. Jan. um 16:52 
 \ \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  \ < ⌒ヽ
   /   へ \
   /  /  \ \
   レ ノ    ヽ_つ
  / /
  / /|
 ( (ヽ
 | | 、\
 | 丿 \ ⌒)
 | |  ) /
ノ )  Lノ
 \ \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  \ < ⌒ヽ
   /   へ \
   /  /  \ \
   レ ノ    ヽ_つ
  / /
  / /|
 ( (ヽ
 | | 、\
 | 丿 \ ⌒)
 | |  ) /
ノ )  Lノ
Halo Master Chief Shower Head 7. Jan. um 11:00 
Before I played Fallout 4:
 \ \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  \ < ⌒ヽ
   /   へ \
   /  /  \ \
   レ ノ    ヽ_つ
  / /
  / /|
 ( (ヽ
 | | 、\
 | 丿 \ ⌒)
 | |  ) /
ノ )  Lノ
After I played Fallout 4:
 \ \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  \ < ⌒ヽ
   /   へ \
   /  /  \ \
   レ ノ    ヽ_つ
  / /
  / /|
 ( (ヽ
 | | 、\
 | 丿 \ ⌒)
 | |  ) /
ノ )  Lノ
Halo Master Chief Shower Head 1. Jan. um 19:59 
Ryan's teeth
OwnedAnt 25. Dez. 2023 um 15:07 
Ryan's teeth
Brian 5. Juni 2022 um 21:26 
eat the flesh of a sinner
migas_ferreira_gk 12. Aug. 2021 um 17:22 
damn gurl what u do wit all that ass
migas_ferreira_gk 12. Aug. 2021 um 17:22 
LANZE 26. Apr. 2021 um 12:08 
no you need to stop rejoining like a subnormal to teamkill multiple times
IQ Reductor 24. Apr. 2021 um 16:50 
Just mute me, morons
LANZE 24. Apr. 2021 um 8:51 
This guy is subnormal, teamkills in sandstorm when nobody wants to hear his soundboard
IQ Reductor 14. Apr. 2021 um 21:36 
lol mad
migas_ferreira_gk 14. Apr. 2021 um 21:34 
this guy has been rejoining a match for 30 minutes to teamkill me
true definition of a loser
IQ Reductor 7. Apr. 2021 um 18:52 
Literally, what does that even mean
rudie 21. Jan. 2021 um 21:57 
joined game and said "if you get offended by political opinions, you have small palls" and then proceded to ragequit when people with different political opinions were on the server and muted him for spamming the N word.
ShadyCloud 25. Dez. 2020 um 22:27 
I'm offended, but I ain't gay.
IQ Reductor 16. Dez. 2020 um 16:46 
If you actually think I live in texas, you're retarded
LIGHT 26. Nov. 2020 um 16:22 
Halo Master Chief Shower Head 16. Okt. 2020 um 14:59 
Hey douche! You got me kicked out because you and your friends were micspamming!
IQ Reductor 27. Sep. 2020 um 19:28 
That's cool, no one cares, shut the ♥♥♥♥ up
OwnedAnt 27. Sep. 2020 um 19:27 
Just mute idiot @fritz
Supertramp 27. Sep. 2020 um 19:27 
Hey douche! You got me kicked out because you and your friends were micspamming!
Cool Cat Gaming 26. Sep. 2020 um 21:33 
Hey douche! You got me kicked out because you and your friends were micspamming!
ShadyCloud 28. Juni 2020 um 1:03 
can't relate pajeet
Jalali 21. Juni 2020 um 11:38 
Lmao VAC brothers
ShadyCloud 15. Apr. 2020 um 16:06 
The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. Тест FitnessGram Pacer - это многоступенчатый аэробный тест, который постепенно становится более сложным, поскольку он продолжается.
Tốc độ chạy bắt đầu chậm nhưng nhanh hơn mỗi phút sau khi bạn nghe thấy tiếng chuông báo hiệu này.Za każdym razem, gdy usłyszysz ten dźwięk, należy wykonać singlowe okrążenie. ding Pamiętaj, aby biegać po linii prostej i biegać tak długo, jak to możliwe.
Der Test beginnt mit dem Wortstart. Auf dein Zeichen. Mach dich bereit! ... Start. ding
Supertramp 27. Feb. 2020 um 21:41 
Halo Master Chief Shower Head 21. Feb. 2020 um 23:11 
…..„-* : : :„„--/ : : : : : : : '\
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Crab 21. Feb. 2020 um 23:06 
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Halo Master Chief Shower Head 21. Feb. 2020 um 23:05 
Ì'ì\,.…_¸„--~~-„)…………… („-~~--„¸_….,/ì'Ì
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: : : : : : :, : : : : :/ . . Arms. . . \: : : : : :,: : : : : :
Halo Master Chief Shower Head 23. Jan. 2020 um 11:14 
Supertramp 21. Jan. 2020 um 22:25 
Halo Master Chief Shower Head 8. Jan. 2020 um 12:22 
Ya like unfunny meme?
red 19. Nov. 2019 um 14:41 
Ya like jazz?
Halo Master Chief Shower Head 28. Juni 2019 um 14:29 
Imagine never going to Salt Lake City
Halo Master Chief Shower Head 28. Juni 2019 um 14:28 
Imagine hiding the hours in the past 2 weeks.
Halo Master Chief Shower Head 22. Juni 2019 um 18:59 
Imagine having 72.3 hours in the past 2 weeks
Halo Master Chief Shower Head 21. Juni 2019 um 14:07 
Imagine having 66.3 hours in the past 2 weeks
Halo Master Chief Shower Head 14. Juni 2019 um 22:15 
Imagine having 72.9 hours in the past 2 weeks
Halo Master Chief Shower Head 4. Juni 2019 um 17:24 
imagine having 45.7 hours in the last 2 weeks
Halo Master Chief Shower Head 11. Mai 2019 um 22:10 
General Ryan R Lee
Halo Master Chief Shower Head 31. Okt. 2018 um 15:18 
McSlammy 23. Apr. 2018 um 0:30 
It's COOL to be gay!
Post this on the wall of a homosexual friend and tell them how COOL they are
IQ Reductor 7. Dez. 2017 um 12:58 
The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. Тест FitnessGram Pacer - это многоступенчатый аэробный тест, который постепенно становится более сложным, поскольку он продолжается.
Tốc độ chạy bắt đầu chậm nhưng nhanh hơn mỗi phút sau khi bạn nghe thấy tiếng chuông báo hiệu này.Za każdym razem, gdy usłyszysz ten dźwięk, należy wykonać singlowe okrążenie. ding Pamiętaj, aby biegać po linii prostej i biegać tak długo, jak to możliwe.
Der Test beginnt mit dem Wortstart. Auf dein Zeichen. Mach dich bereit! ... Start. ding
13levi37 15. Nov. 2017 um 20:37 
A good jew is a gassed one. Amen.
Phoenix 19. Apr. 2016 um 20:42 
IQ Reductor 19. Apr. 2016 um 20:40 
dont you dare shrek me in japanese
Phoenix 19. Apr. 2016 um 20:39 