
New "Friends" Profile:
Team Mystic
This box contains the future and the past. Only you yourself may be able to see the true value of this box and when you do you will discover the true meaning of life its self. Will you open the box or just pass it on. You are right this is no Team Fortress
3 次評價
建立者 - ImPurePlasma
Profile Info:


If you have added me from TF2Outpost or CS:GOLounge post on my trade/profile first!
Open to Middlemanning Services! - Traders of all experiences Welcomed - Dont be afraid to ask.
Plenty of experience with Trading and MMing cash trades and trading for PayPal.
If you have any questions in regards to trading or any kind or need help in filing reports for scammers please feel free to add me.

Online = I'm open to talk to people and play games.
Away =Might be watching youtube videos or at school, message me and I will message you later.
Busy = Might be BUSY?. I will respond as soon as possible.
Looking to Play = Same as Online
Looking to Trade = I'm looking to trade some TF2 or CS:GO items.
Offline = I'm not on and will be on later.
On Phone = I'm away from my PC at the moment.

| Steamname: ImPurePlasma
| CustomURL:
| Steamrep:
| Trade Offer Link -
| Youtube Channel:
| Deviantart:
| My Emoticons: :NATO: :bandit: :german: :csgoa: :csgoct: :csgogun: :csgoanarchist: :csgohelmet: :csgox: :hittheroad: :steerme: :gmod: :bored: :special: :KSmiley: :murkoff: :odoc: :rfc: :Y: :TheD: :campfire: :rust: :safehouse: :supplies: :purpleteam: :summerskull: :balloonicorn: :crate: :demoticon: :medicon: :sentry: :spycon: :sticky: :demoneye: :markarth: :steambored: :steamfacepalm: :steamhappy: :steammocking: :steamsad: :steamsalty: :jazzy: :borderlands2: :vaultkey: :athena: :giantsword: :smashy: :iambread: :iamcrackerbread: :finyomu: :jo: :melon: :Corpus: :iambagel:
Current Favorite Emoticons: :bandit: :spycon: :balloonicorn: :vaultkey:
Current Favorite Games: Battlefield 1
Shurikinney 2016 年 8 月 5 日 下午 12:29 
So many people think you are friendly and patient, oh how wrong they are, lol:steammocking:
TINY RIIICK 2015 年 12 月 20 日 上午 2:03 
+rep good trader, friendly
Kizzy 2015 年 7 月 28 日 下午 3:57 
+rep, gr8 trader
NeS 2015 年 5 月 20 日 上午 9:33 
+rep good, fast and friendly trader ! :D
Captain Vitaliz 2014 年 12 月 27 日 上午 10:11 
+rep. Great trader. Friendly too.
proteinshake 2014 年 12 月 27 日 上午 9:11 
+rep, fast and good trader !