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Featured Artwork Showcase
asdf 12 Feb @ 8:03pm 
fala galera tudo bem
eu to falando aqui sobre um hater do canal que é gta e a mae dele é uma vagabunda meliante safada cafajeste que da o cu na esquina toda hora fuma maconha e É UMA PROS-TI-TU-TA
asdf 4 Feb @ 6:02pm 
Every time I here a chess player talk about race, they always say stuff like “I’m so glad that I am white this game” or “He was black, so he didn’t stand much of a chance that game”. Seriously, what is up with this blatant racism guys??? It’s getting so bad I am even hearing this sort of ♥♥♥♥ from some Indian players as well. Your color doesn’t mean anything, you are still the same person!!!!!!
lulululululuzinha 15 Jan @ 11:50am 
AREA 8 Jan @ 10:23pm 
Every time I here a chess player talk about race, they always say stuff like “I’m so glad that I am white this game” or “He was black, so he didn’t stand much of a chance that game”. Seriously, what is up with this blatant racism guys??? It’s getting so bad I am even hearing this sort of ♥♥♥♥ from some Indian players as well. Your color doesn’t mean anything, you are still the same person!!!!!!
FELIPENIS 6 Jan @ 11:49am 
god's righteous wrath
dantu$a 5 Jan @ 12:18pm 
imaginate creerte youtuber kjlasjklas