Jake Malachowski   Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States
'License to spend foolishly'

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Imafoolru12? 7/out./2013 às 14:06 
hey man, good to hear from you, too! as you can tell, i dont find myself on here very often, but it was really good to hear from someone, if feels like a whole other lifetime when we were playing CS.

Take care of yourself, perhaps our paths will cross again!
Dr.Destructo 22/ago./2013 às 13:48 
It definitely has been a long time! I stopped playing for a pretty long time as well maybe logging on once every 4-6 months or so. I was usually kinda quiet during a game because I never bothered to invest in a mic. I would use Sparda fairly often back then. Good to hear from you.
Imafoolru12? 21/jul./2013 às 18:40 
Wow... I can'tbelieve how long its been! Im not 100% sure I recognize your name, did you play under another tag? but either way, it has been a long time, but nice to hear from someone, it feels like a lifetime ago since I was active on here!
Dr.Destructo 9/dez./2012 às 20:56 
Hey! I remember you... I think...
Whatever happened to RRTS?
Hope all is well.