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Получено 1 из 21 (5%) достижений:
Личные достижения

Black Mass

Read Bible.
Дата получения: 8 дек. 2024 г. в 16:44


Finish the game without taking any fall damage or stepping into a bear trap.


Avoid taking any damage from Xaphan.

Wild hunt

Kill a snake, dog, boar, wolf, owl, and bear.

Alternative medicine

Finish the game without using medkits or pills.

Break and enter

Use every key in the game and enter all places blocked by planks or roots.

Bloody blade

Kill the beast using melee weapons only.


Finish the game without firing a single shot.


Read all books, notes, and papers.


Listen to all radios in the game.

See no evil

Don't let the black shadows hurt you.


Finish the game without dying.


Finish the game without using save crystals.


See the vision of the future.

It's a trap!

Lure an enemy into a bear trap.

Скрытых достижений осталось: 6

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