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4.8 hrs on record
Too unrealistic graphics cards are always in stock..
Posted 10 October, 2021.
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42 people found this review helpful
53.4 hrs on record (17.4 hrs at review time)
Sadly due to the lack of community hosted servers and the lack of anticheat I couldn’t truely recommend this game, it’s fun but can be a complete pain in the ass to play at times and highly unbalanced at times can make it rage inducing sometimes, especially recently due to the influx of newer players from Steam and EA Play.

Actual user hosted servers would have helped a lot to avoid cheaters in this game due to plugins and votekick/ban, and it would have actually helped with actually getting into a game as sometimes it’s pretty difficult to find a server.

The game is in a pretty bad state as there is no autobalance (which was promised) or (love it or hate it) no skill based matchmaking, making it almost impossible to get into if you are new to the franchise. Not to mention a sudden influx of cheaters lately, the game has no anticheat there are players in this game that have been cheating since launch and have not been banned. It's actually embarrassing.

My Steam hours do not reflect my actual hours. I have around 250 hours in actual gameplay, and I have played since Open Beta and I played at launch and through the TTK crisis of Christmas 2019.
Posted 12 February, 2021.
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27.8 hrs on record
I mostly played this game to kill time before Cyberpunk 2077 and I was pleasantly surprised, the lore in this game is extremely interesting and I found myself reading a lot of the emails and notes laid around the game world (which is something I rarely do).

I took the challenge of this game to play it with 100% stealth and pacifism (however I did not get the achievement for pacifist, due to the prologue mission counting towards this) and the hardest difficulty, which is trivial when playing stealth.

Sadly this game hasn’t aged super well and I encountered a few issues.
Detroit area was heavily stuttery for me
Zooming was also stuttery (I fixed this by enabling Triple Buffering)
Takedown animations are locked to 30fps? (Triple Buffering made this look a lot smoother)
Although these few issues did sometimes hurt the enjoyment of the game, especially the stuttering in the Detroit area, the game overall is great.

There is a point in the game which is actually "The Missing Link" DLC which personally I found extremely boring and just wanted to stop playing, it had a lot of backtracking around a boat and was rather tedious to play.

Definitely a game worth picking up on sale, well worth your time playing.

Posted 25 November, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
78.3 hrs on record
Excellent game, glad I waited for 1.0 before playing well worth playing if you are a fan of Supergiant Games or Greek Mythology!

Lots of content to explore. I 100%'d the game in just under 80 hours and I will probably play it again because I was still getting new dialogue from characters.

Music in this game to me wasn’t the best from Supergiant, I think Transistor may hold the best soundtrack, not to say that Hades music is bad just that Transistor had a lot more memorable ones.

Combat (mostly the bosses) took me sometime to get used to maybe around 10 hours before I beat Hades for the first time, but after that it was quite easy to dodge boss attacks and other enemies.

Story/dialogue is interesting to me as a somewhat fan of Greek Mythology, I never skipped a single line of the dialogue as it was interesting and sometimes charming to learn more about specific characters or gods.

Game recommends that you play with a controller, however I beat this game about 95% on keyboard and mouse, I actually preferred to play with KB+M as it was easier to aim the bow and rail, but it was also more accurate for general swings of the sword etc.

Would highly recommend this game.
Posted 25 November, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
20.3 hrs on record (20.1 hrs at review time)
Very fun rage inducing game.

No but seriously this game is challenging to get into but once you start to get the hang of things it can be a lot of fun, but I don't think I've ALT+F4'd out of a game as much as I have with DiRT Rally 2.0
Posted 2 February, 2020. Last edited 24 March, 2021.
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41.9 hrs on record
Great game once you look past the grind around it and learn/figure out how things work, however I feel like the game is slightly unfinished and it should maybe be an Early Access title instead of calling it a full release.

Took me 42 hours to 100% it.

Would recommend if on Sale 50% off, or in a bundle like where I personally bought it for £10/$12
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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431.5 hrs on record (398.0 hrs at review time)
Great game, great DLCs. Still play it from time to time, will be playing it after a BL1 'Enchanced' play-through.

Shame the wait for BL3 will be longer, but hopefully will be worth it.
Posted 4 February, 2019. Last edited 3 April, 2019.
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230.6 hrs on record (213.8 hrs at review time)
Cheaper than therapy.
Posted 28 December, 2018. Last edited 14 February, 2021.
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A developer has responded on 9 Jan, 2019 @ 7:19pm (view response)
3 people found this review helpful
140.1 hrs on record (120.2 hrs at review time)
While it's a great game.. The port is horrendous no way should a game this average looking be as taxing as it is.
What did they do for 8 months? sit around twiddling there fingers? Was the port done in 2 months and you guys at Capcom just wanted to milk more sales on console?

A quote from an article on eurogamer -
Originally posted by Tsujimoto:
"this is our first PC title and it's something we want to make sure we get right. So rather than have it taking up resources during the console development and not it not being able to have our full attention on it. We want to get console out the door and then we're going to take some extra time and try and get the PC version as good as possible.

- Network has been a bit iffy, but it's a new release I'll give them the benefit of that.
- Co-op is poorly implemented for the quest story missions, I couldn't join a friend due to him being in a cut-scene but when the cut-scene was over I was just greeted with an error message..
- Full-screen 1080p has black bars? What, why? Consoles run it at 1080p why is this a thing..

I just hope they can do some patches that improve things in the weeks to come.

update - 26/08/2018
- Network is better however still not perfect, get multiple errors trying to create an online session and sometimes when playing co-op 1 or 2 persons might be disconnected.
- Frame rate during certain bosses, most notable in Teostra fight with all the particle effects can drop fps from a smooth 60fps to 20-30fps. We need an option to lower particle effects, they seem to be a main problem of FPS drops.
- Running Borderless Fullscreen removes the black bars, so the game doesn't run fullscreen correctly?
- After killing Xeno'Jiiva to complete the story, the credits roll however for me the game didn't allow me to accept the fact the Hunter Rank has been uncapped.. Resulting in me having to re-watch the credits that are un-skippable.. Why?
- SOS Search is a bit strange, searching without filters can result in maybe 1 or 2 missions, if you add filters you get a lot more results.
- I've noticed some stuttering in Elder Recess after the network patch, that was not present before that.

Posted 12 August, 2018. Last edited 26 August, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
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10.8 hrs on record (4.5 hrs at review time)
THIS REVIEW IS MY OWN UNBIASED OPINION - I was not compensated or rewarded for this review in any way.

Posted 24 April, 2018. Last edited 24 April, 2018.
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