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Publicada: 8 out. 2022 às 14:04
Atualizada: 28 mai. 2023 às 12:08
Produto recebido de graça

ORIGINAL STEAM REVIEW CAN BE FOUND HERE: https://pastebin.com/sxkNpfzb
I'VE UNINSTALLED. NOT INSTALLING AGAIN(Unless major update, for like 5 mins).

What qualifies this review:
- I'm the highest legitimately ranked player in the game
- I'm ranked No #1 and #3 World Wide in acquiring the Firearms Achievements, also legitimately (#2 within my clan).
- I've also been head mod for Neowizs Black Squad server in 2017 so I have a rough idea of the surface of what goes on internally.
- Made 3 community guides for this release and my biggest project on YouTube.

- New to the game? No Tutorial = No idea what mods do or that they even exist.
- Tutorial was removed for no stated reason.
- You have to pick a camp and can't leave without joining a clan. Your chatbox will be flooded with people leaving and joining the game
- Found a clan? There's no clan member list where you can invite them.
- OLD AVA had a system where harder to use weapons were available at higher ranks. REMOVED! so new players have 0 IDEA what's EASY or HARD.
- Pre-Customised weapons are so poorly customised by the devs.
- Mods have durability. You will NOT be told when they run out. You will ONLY find out when your gun is SIGNIFICANTLY worse than what it was with mods.
- Mods of your second slot weapon WILL RUN OUT even if you haven't used the gun at all.
- Clicking on and then out of the Battle Pass results in the game crashing 70% of the time.
- NO ALL CHAT function in AVA meaning no interaction with other players.
- Chat is censored so heavily even numbers such as 'cus' and 'Fox' are censored.
- Trying to invite someone but clicked their name a few too many times? You're now spammed with their profile and will probably 'accidently' click on 'remove friend'.

- Can't list all the bugs here as it reaches 4 pages long but there are some disastrous ones. Some age about 10 years+
- NA is full of Brazilians macroing but because there's so many of them you'll probably be kicked (They never solo.. wonder why).
-ASIA1/2 is full of cheaters and/or people who script their accounts to avoid being afk banned and get the EOG loot boxes.
-EU is your safest bet but read below:
- You will CONSTANTLY (EVERY ROUND) have your shots NOT REGISTER AT ALL in game (You will hit 4 shots and it will count as 2-3). https://imgur.com/a/7gWNDyh
- You will have people shooting at you BEHIND WALLS, and since there's no ping limit, you will CONSTANTLY face people with 200+ ping.
- This is especially prevalent in ARENA (Competitive) MODE where people who are SUPPOSED to be in ASIA and NA servers will come to EU servers as they're servers are near EMPTY
- Some guns which are clearly NOT supposed to be silenced are silenced beyond only 15 metres.
- Since the playerbase numbers are so LOW and those that play regularly are usually veteran players, they will GROUP UP to a max of 4 players. This makes the game UNPLAYABLE at times.
- Guns are clearly not balanced. Actually that's not technically correct. The balance was as if someone had not played the game AT ALL came in and applied the most GENERIC changes to each gun. Iconic PARA Recoil + 1 Shot Capability? GONE. M4A1's high ROF and consistent DMG. GONE. And instead we now have this typical AK-47 meta, Copy paste from CSGO garbage.
- Speaking of Copy paste CSGO garbage, there's a map called Desert Storm which is a direct rip off of DUST II. Since the scaling of the in game assets Vs Map is huge in this game, you're walking around like you're an ant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWgXUGFeIl0&ab_channel=Beakham
- TDM has grenades enabled meaning you will die to nades 80% of the time. So much for TDM being an aim practice mode.
- Running into certain parts of the tank in Breach mode will result in insta-death. Have fun not respawning for 10 seconds.
- Neowiz decided to CHARGE players to play competitive at all, and yet there are still hackers prevalent REGULARLY, with bans NOT being announced AT ALL. YOU LITERALLY CAN'T PLAY 5V5 WITHOUT PAYING LOL.
- They also REFUSE to publicize any banned players, although in other versions of the same game they own, such as in S.Korea where they happily do so.
- New players do not have a 'Beginner's channel', which was present in the old game. This results in more experienced players losing patience and kicking them.
- Binoculars work like 60% of the time
- Did you just take out half their team and the C4 is right at your feet? Have fun being locked into crouch until you move well away from it.
- The FR-F2 will 1 shot you even if you hit their toes, yet its by far the fastest sniper in its category.
- MP7 received a nerf after 4 months. (imagine if the R8 from CSGO was never nerfed for 4 months)...
- ... and was promptly replaced by the X95R, which is just as OP as the old MP7 was. This was due to the devs not bothering with nerfing the mods.
- Getting hit too many times will show blood splatter which will cover your screen and CAN NOT BE DISABLED.
- Key Doors on some maps will stop working.
- Reload animations are extremely delayed so there is no way of knowing when someone has finished reloading.
- At the start of almost all games, silhouettes and characters won't render in properly or AT ALL, meaning they will look warped/ be COMPLETELY INVISIBLE/
- Switching guns on the ground will empty that gun's ammo. You will pick up empty guns 95% of the time.
- Spectating is a nightmare. https://imgur.com/a/CF6hCiI
- The game will put you in games that have 10 seconds remaining. It doesn't care.
- Good luck alt tabbing.

- LOL https://imgur.com/a/VAWOqGc
- As detailed in my original review linked above, even suggesting that true veteran players such as Snowshovel should be part of their development team even as a volunteer were shunned and denounced as 'unprofessional'. (Check the original review in the link above for proof.)
- Meanwhile they continuously put 0 effort into getting the devs involved with the community and vice versa.
- Community/ Custom rooms? Still not in the game. Meanwhile unwanted PVE/PVP Hybrid modes are implemented which NOBODY requested.
- 100 Effort into releasing weapon skins from 5+ years ago back into the game and charging players for them through methods of gambling!
- Rewards for loyal players are trash. As I've stated, I've been the first to get some achievements and have gotten simple skins with not even a special outline in the kill feed. (One of my guns is labelled as 'Normal' quality). For the effort, they should have their own category at least.
- Also F**K their audacity to then even attempt to release a P2E version of this game.

All in all, thanks for the hours Neowiz but thanks for developing a game with 0 care, 0 accountability or responsibility for the mistakes of your now defunct best friend, Redduck and thanks for delivering false hope to the community.
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11 comentários
Ziušák 26 mai. 2023 às 11:19 
This review is absolute masterpiece of a shitty cash-grab "copy-paste game" by Neowiz.
iDEaXANA[SELLING] 30 jan. 2023 às 8:05 
@lapeer game damaged my brain so much i couldn't stop playing :c7xd:
rektbiach 30 jan. 2023 às 4:10 
You really uninstalled it you mad man. But you are right about every single thing here. The people in the comments who try to protect the game clearly either didn't play it enough,are choosing to ignore the problems or just bots sent by Neowiz.

This game died with IJJI, the corpse got beaten by Aeria and now we see the disrespect every second company does to the grave.
lapee.r 28 jan. 2023 às 17:08 
if you dont like the game then wtf do you have 1,300 hours on thjs
My failure 6 nov. 2022 às 7:10 
Bunny deleted two of my comments, which is a comment copied from one of Snowshovel's videos. The guy explain pretty much everything. Such as why they re-launched the game again, why they change so many things.etc. Most of them are not good. Turns out, they really are just milking the game.
Dynamite With A Laser Beam 2 nov. 2022 às 22:00 
holy jesus
Teddy 28 out. 2022 às 7:13 

Straight up warned for complaining that the overpriced starter packs don't even come with the weapons. I was banned for MISINFORMATION because I said "Your packs don't come with the weapons" and they objectively, factually don't.....
XPLICITツ 18 out. 2022 às 2:51 
Bunny is simply useless
manages a dead Discord with no utility except for trolling :lunar2019piginablanket:
eatmeimacookie 14 out. 2022 às 11:09 
@WarValor, after this huge Post of Facts u react that silly? Seems like ure a Fanboy/Paied Member! Your shit, WarValor, Not Helpfull at all!
WarValor 14 out. 2022 às 11:03 
Stop complaining.
Just keep your head up high.
Saying this game should of died, lost me there.
They dont want to make the same mistakes the previous games made.
The other versions were way less balanced then it is right now