Christmas Island
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l4w 7/fev./2022 às 0:13 
見個post沉左底,又好似好多人識佢,分享一下marvin呢隻曾經嘅大外掛仔。而家佢有冇開就唔知,但佢cs1.6同埋csgo初期就一定係個大外掛,同成班外掛friend圍威喂,無恥嘅程度係俾人屌開外掛都可以理直氣壯咁屌返人轉頭,我記得佢曾經講過「俾得起錢玩得起外掛,唔gur咪唔好同我玩囉,我又冇逼你,唔好扮哂野啦」,聽完真係嚇一跳,原來世來上可以有啲價值觀咁扭曲嘅人,建議大家重新審視下呢個人嘅人格。下面嘅vac ban account入面可以留意到個friend list黎黎去去都係嗰啲人,所以舊post入面話識左佢好耐嗰啲,應該就係同佢圍威喂嘅外掛仔,大家睇路。
Parv 28/mai./2021 às 6:46 
to the beat
African wifi 22/mai./2021 às 21:05 
trash player I hope you get put into the Muslim camps in China by the CCP
Perius 19/fev./2021 às 1:42 
hi, can you send me friend request? i cant add you, idk why
Anarantrius 13/dez./2020 às 16:03 
+rep, add me
kts 3/abr./2020 às 5:12 
+rep gey