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Análises recentes de Hydridity

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68.8 horas registradas (56.0 horas no momento da análise)
6.5.2024: EDIT
Major order completed, My fellow Helldivers we have successfully defended our beloved Super Earth.
Democracy prevails once more.

Attention all remaining units of the Human Fleet,

This is Captain Hydridity of SES Distributor of Family Values speaking. In this darkest of hours, I address you with a heavy heart and an unwavering resolve. Our struggle against the corruption and heresy that has torn apart our beloved Super Earth has left us battered and broken. Yet, even in the face of certain defeat, I urge you to stand tall and fight on.

The forces of corruption, led by the insidious Sony Corporation, have brought us to our knees. Our home, Super Earth, lies in ruins, and the enemy's grip tightens with each passing moment. But let it be known that while our bodies may falter, our spirit remains unbroken.

To those of you who still draw breath, who refuse to surrender to the encroaching darkness, I salute you. Your bravery, your sacrifice, your unyielding defiance in the face of overwhelming odds serve as a testament to the resilience of humanity.

Though victory may be beyond our reach, let us make our final stand with unwavering determination. Let us fight not for conquest or glory, but for the simple act of defiance against tyranny and oppression. Let every bullet fired, every life sacrificed, be a testament to our refusal to yield to the forces of darkness.

We stand on the precipice of oblivion, but let us go down fighting. Let our defiance echo through the void, a final testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity.

Fight to the last man, my comrades. Let our legacy be one of courage in the face of despair.

Captain Hydridity out.
Publicada em 5 de maio. Última edição em 6 de maio.
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57.2 horas registradas (50.4 horas no momento da análise)
One must imagine Ayre happy
Publicada em 10 de outubro de 2023. Última edição em 11 de outubro de 2023.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise engraçada
40.0 horas registradas (38.5 horas no momento da análise)
We find the deepest of holes, and make them even deeper
Publicada em 23 de setembro de 2023.
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1,201.1 horas registradas (979.7 horas no momento da análise)
Attack the D Point
Publicada em 6 de setembro de 2023.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise engraçada
4.9 horas registradas (4.2 horas no momento da análise)
I saw somewhere that this should be unbalanced game, at first i didn't believe it, but now, i see, it's really unbalanced
Publicada em 2 de junho de 2018.
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235.1 horas registradas (122.1 horas no momento da análise)
Vesmírna MOBA? Co víc chcet ?
Publicada em 22 de março de 2017.
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1,168.6 horas registradas (708.2 horas no momento da análise)
"Welded my life parts"
Publicada em 4 de janeiro de 2014. Última edição em 8 de dezembro de 2015.
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