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102 achievement su 259 (39%) ottenuti:
Achievement personali

Friend of Timberwell

Complete all tasks in Timberwell.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 17:02

Animal Protection

Complete Timberwell's animal related tasks.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 14:29

Polite Woodland Village Visitor

Assist locals of Timberwell in everyday tasks.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 17:02

Friend of Haywind

Complete all tasks in Haywind.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 17:57

The Model Citizen

Assist citizens of Haywind in everyday tasks.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 14:20

Open for Business

Assist Haywind's shopkeepers.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:30

Law and Order

Complete tasks for Haywind Militia.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 17:57

Friend of Ratcliffe

Complete all tasks in Ratcliffe.
Sbloccato in data 30 ott 2024, ore 16:19

Trouble in the Mining Community

Solve domestic problems in Ratcliffe.
Sbloccato in data 30 ott 2024, ore 16:19

Silderstone Mysteries

Solve mysteries in Silderstone mountains.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 13:27

Stable Solutions

Solve Ratcliffe's horse tasks.
Sbloccato in data 30 ott 2024, ore 16:18

Ashenside Ally

Complete key tasks in Ashenside Fields.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 17:34


Assist Ashenside farmers in working the fields.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 17:33

Patrolling the Fields

Protect Ashenside people in need.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 17:31

Friend of Mistywood

Complete key tasks in the Mistywood.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 12:22

Mistywood Forager

Forage supplies for Mistywood's residents.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 18:27

Wild Hunt

Hunt wild creatures in the Mistywood.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 12:22

Forestland Samaritan

Assist people of Mistywood in everyday tasks.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 18:29

Friend of Thornhill

Complete key tasks in the City of Thornhill.
Sbloccato in data 31 ott 2024, ore 21:23

Chaos at the Market

Resolve tasks at Thornhill's market.
Sbloccato in data 31 ott 2024, ore 21:17

Guardsman of Thornhill

Complete tasks related to Thornhill guards.
Sbloccato in data 31 ott 2024, ore 20:50

Tradesmen of the City

Assist Thornhill tradesmen with their tasks.
Sbloccato in data 31 ott 2024, ore 21:23

Fenwater Groundskeeper

Assist in mainting order at Fenwater Village.
Sbloccato in data 31 ott 2024, ore 21:35

Explorer of Spurce Shade's Rest

Discover key locations in Spruce Shade woods and Timberwell.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 16:59

Grainwater Explorer

Discover key locations near Grainwater village.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 17:25

Silderstone Explorer

Discover key locations near Ratcliffe village.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 13:37

Haywind Explorer

Discover key locations in Haywind.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:28

Ashenside Explorer

Discover key locations in Ashenside Fields, west of Haywind.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 14:08

Explorer of Green Coppice

Discover key locations in the woods north of Haywind.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 12:45

Explorer of Fog's Dwindling

Discover key locations near the village of Fog's Dwindling.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 12:23

Aurfield Explorer

Discover key locations near Aurfield village.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 12:37

Deep Forest Explorer

Discover key locations within the thickets of Mistywood.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 12:20

Novice Miner

Reach level 10 in Mining.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Apprentice Miner

Reach level 20 in Mining.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Novice Fisherman

Reach level 10 in Fishing.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Apprentice Fisherman

Reach level 20 in Fishing.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Novice Crafter

Reach level 10 in Crafting.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Apprentice Crafter

Reach level 20 in Crafting.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Novice Sorcerer

Reach level 10 in Sorcery.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Apprentice Sorcerer

Reach level 20 in Sorcery.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Adept Sorcerer

Reach level 40 in Sorcery.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 16:58

Novice Attacker

Reach level 10 in Attack.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Apprentice Attacker

Reach level 20 in Attack.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Novice Archer

Reach level 10 in Archery.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Apprentice Archer

Reach level 20 in Archery.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Novice Defender

Reach level 10 in Defence.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Apprentice Defender

Reach level 20 in Defence.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Novice Smith

Reach level 10 in Smithing.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Apprentice Smith

Reach level 20 in Smithing.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Novice Woodsman

Reach level 10 in Woodsmanship.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Apprentice Woodsman

Reach level 20 in Woodsmanship.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Novice Alchemist

Reach level 10 in Alchemy.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Apprentice Alchemist

Reach level 20 in Alchemy.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Novice Tailor

Reach level 10 in Tailoring.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Apprentice Tailor

Reach level 20 in Tailoring.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Novice Cook

Reach level 10 in Cooking.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Apprentice Cook

Reach level 20 in Cooking.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Haywind Cow Culler

Slay 50 Cows in Haywind.
Sbloccato in data 30 ott 2024, ore 16:10

Haywind Sheep Destroyer

Slay 140 Sheep in Haywind.
Sbloccato in data 30 ott 2024, ore 15:58

Haywind Chicken Bane

Slay 25 Chickens in Haywind.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 14:09

Haywind Rat Exterminator

Slay 60 Rats in Haywind.
Sbloccato in data 30 ott 2024, ore 16:14

Mistywood Awakened Evergreen Feller

Slay 40 Awakened Evergreens in Mistywood.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 18:50

Mistywood Goblin Exterminator

Slay 200 Goblins in Mistywood.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 19:02

Mistywood Bear Hunter

Slay 80 Bears in Mistywood.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 18:55

Timberwell Rabbit Slayer

Slay 50 Rabbits in Timberwell.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 17:15

Timberwell Chicken Bane

Slay 30 Chickens in Timberwell.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 17:12

Timberwell Frog Hunter

Slay 50 Frogs in Timberwell.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 16:59

Timberwell Sheep Destroyer

Slay 30 Sheep in Timberwell.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:38

Timberwell Deer Hunter

Slay 10 Deer in Timberwell.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 17:10

Timberwell Crow Catcher

Slay 10 Crows in Timberwell.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 17:10

Thornhill Redberry Forager

Harvest 100 Redberries in Thornhill.
Sbloccato in data 31 ott 2024, ore 21:13

Thornhill Snapper Catcher

Catch 100 Charcoal Snappers in Thornhill.
Sbloccato in data 31 ott 2024, ore 21:05

Haywind Redberry Forager

Harvest 40 Redberries in Haywind.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 13:10

Haywind Corn Harvester

Harvest 20 Corn in Haywind.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:40

Haywind Barley Harvester

Harvest 20 Barley in Haywind.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:35

Haywind Cabbage Harvester

Harvest 15 Cabbages in Haywind.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:49

Haywind Carrot Harvester

Harvest 60 Carrots in Haywind.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 12:59

Haywind Goopy Catcher

Catch 100 Wild Goopys in Haywind.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 13:10

Haywind Sturgeon Catcher

Catch 60 Pebble Sturgeons in Haywind.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 12:54

Timberwell Goopy Catcher

Catch 30 Wild Goopys in Timberwell.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 16:50

Timberwell Redberry Forager

Harvest 20 Redberries in Timberwell.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 16:57

Timberwell Copper Miner

Mine 20 Copper Ores in Timberwell.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 16:53

Timberwell Spruce Feller

Cut 30 Spruce Trees in Timberwell.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 16:54

Fenwater Iron Miner

Mine 50 Iron Ores in Fenwater.
Sbloccato in data 31 ott 2024, ore 21:45

Ratcliffe Copper Miner

Mine 65 Copper Ores in Ratcliffe.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 13:19

Ratcliffe Arakite Miner

Mine 30 Arakite Ores in Ratcliffe.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 13:23

Ratcliffe Spruce Feller

Cut 30 Spruce Trees in Ratcliffe.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 13:13

Ratcliffe Oak Feller

Cut 15 Oak Trees in Ratcliffe.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 13:14

Pocket Gold

Amass 1 000 coins.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

Fine Savings

Amass 10 000 coins.
Sbloccato in data 29 ott 2024, ore 13:20

A Proud Homeowner

Buy a house.
Sbloccato in data 27 ott 2024, ore 13:05

A Rude Awakening

Complete the prologue.
Sbloccato in data 26 gen, ore 21:54

Bloody Hubert

Defeat Hubert the Axe.
Sbloccato in data 26 gen, ore 21:54

Secrets of the Ancients

Break into the Temple of Etherlight.
Sbloccato in data 26 gen, ore 21:54

Lifting the Veil

Complete the scrying event.
Sbloccato in data 26 gen, ore 21:54

Love Literally Hurts...

Dispatch with the druid in Thornhill.
Sbloccato in data 26 gen, ore 21:54

A Slave No Longer

Gain the Amulet of Vesteris.
Sbloccato in data 26 gen, ore 21:54

Death is Merely an Inconvenience

Complete the quest 'Reunion of Fire and Death'.
Sbloccato in data 26 gen, ore 21:54

Farmland Liberator

Defeat Lord Blackshield.
Sbloccato in data 26 gen, ore 21:54

The Harvest Champion

Complete all harvest festival quests.
Sbloccato in data 26 gen, ore 21:55

The River Warden

Protect Aurfield against river pirates and the Great Mudclaw.
Sbloccato in data 26 gen, ore 21:55

The Plague Doctor's Apprentice

Assist Apothecary Sven in Thornhill.
Sbloccato in data 26 gen, ore 21:55

Friend of Grainwater

Complete all tasks in Grainwater.

Beer in Demand

Assist Grainwater's tavern.

Sobering Up

Wake up the Grainwater drunks.

Cart Delivery

Assist Grainwater's cart guy.

Friend of Fenwater

Complete key tasks at Fenwater Village.

Rural Village Work

Complete gathering tasks for the people of Fenwater Village.

Bogside Disruptions

Assist Fenwater Village people with problems.

Predators of the Silvermirror Fen

Complete key tasks in the Silvermirror Fen.

Monster Slayer

Resolve tasks related to hunting monsters in the Silvermirror Fen.

Swamp Survivor

Save people struggling to survive in the Silvermirror Fen.

Thornhill Explorer

Discover key locations in Thornhill.

Explorer of Harshwind Shores

Discover key locations near Harshwind Shore.

Explorer of Prowler's Thicket

Discover key locations in the Prowler's Thicket.

Fenwater Explorer

Discover key locations near Fenwater Village

Bootlegger's Explorer

Discover key locations near Bootlegger's Shelter.

Silvermirror Explorer

Discover key locations in the Silvermirror Fen.

Adept Miner

Reach level 40 in Mining.

Skilled Miner

Reach level 50 in Mining.

Expert Miner

Reach level 75 in Mining.

Master Miner

Reach level 90 in Mining.

Grandmaster Miner

Reach level 100 in Mining.

Adept Fisherman

Reach level 40 in Fishing.

Skilled Fisherman

Reach level 50 in Fishing.

Expert Fisherman

Reach level 75 in Fishing.

Master Fisherman

Reach level 90 in Fishing.

Grandmaster Fisherman

Reach level 100 in Fishing.

Adept Crafter

Reach level 40 in Crafting.

Skilled Crafter

Reach level 50 in Crafting.

Expert Crafter

Reach level 75 in Crafting.

Master Crafter

Reach level 90 in Crafting.

Grandmaster Crafter

Reach level 100 in Crafting.

Skilled Sorcerer

Reach level 50 in Sorcery.

Expert Sorcerer

Reach level 75 in Sorcery.

Master Sorcerer

Reach level 90 in Sorcery.

Grandmaster Sorcerer

Reach level 100 in Sorcery.

Adept Attacker

Reach level 40 in Attack.

Skilled Attacker

Reach level 50 in Attack.

Expert Attacker

Reach level 75 in Attack.

Master Attacker

Reach level 90 in Attack.

Grandmaster Attacker

Reach level 100 in Attack.

Adept Archer

Reach level 40 in Archery.

Skilled Archer

Reach level 50 in Archery.

Expert Archer

Reach level 75 in Archery.

Master Archer

Reach level 90 in Archery.

Grandmaster Archer

Reach level 100 in Archery.

Adept Defender

Reach level 40 in Defence.

Skilled Defender

Reach level 50 in Defence.

Expert Defender

Reach level 75 in Defence.

Master Defender

Reach level 90 in Defence.

Grandmaster Defender

Reach level 100 in Defence.

Adept Smith

Reach level 40 in Smithing.

Skilled Smith

Reach level 50 in Smithing.

Expert Smith

Reach level 75 in Smithing.

Master Smith

Reach level 90 in Smithing.

Grandmaster Smith

Reach level 100 in Smithing.

Adept Woodsman

Reach level 40 in Woodsmanship.

Skilled Woodsman

Reach level 50 in Woodsmanship.

Expert Woodsman

Reach level 75 in Woodsmanship.

Master Woodsman

Reach level 90 in Woodsmanship.

Grandmaster Woodsman

Reach level 100 in Woodsmanship.

Adept Alchemist

Reach level 40 in Alchemy.

Skilled Alchemist

Reach level 50 in Alchemy.

Expert Alchemist

Reach level 75 in Alchemy.

Master Alchemist

Reach level 90 in Alchemy.

Grandmaster Alchemist

Reach level 100 in Alchemy.

Adept Tailor

Reach level 40 in Tailoring.

Skilled Tailor

Reach level 50 in Tailoring.

Expert Tailor

Reach level 75 in Tailoring.

Master Tailor

Reach level 90 in Tailoring.

Grandmaster Tailor

Reach level 100 in Tailoring.

Adept Cook

Reach level 40 in Cooking.

Skilled Cook

Reach level 50 in Cooking.

Expert Cook

Reach level 75 in Cooking.

Master Cook

Reach level 90 in Cooking.

Grandmaster Cook

Reach level 100 in Cooking.

Haywind Crab Hunter

Slay 40 Crabs in Haywind.

Haywind Seagull Thinner

Slay 35 Seagulls in Haywind.

Haywind Sparrow Catcher

Slay 55 Sparrows in Haywind.

Haywind Rabbit Slayer

Slay 20 Rabbits in Haywind.

Haywind Crow Catcher

Slay 45 Crows in Haywind.

Ashenside Rabbit Slayer

Slay 125 Rabbits in Ashenside Fields.

Ashenside Chicken Bane

Slay 15 Chickens in Ashenside Fields.

Ashenside Rat Exterminator

Slay 55 Rats in Ashenside Fields.

Ashenside Crow Catcher

Slay 40 Crows in Ashenside Fields.

Ashenside Sparrow Catcher

Slay 40 Sparrows in Ashenside Fields.

Ashenside Bear Hunter

Slay 20 Bears in Ashenside Fields.

Ashenside Highwayman Slayer

Slay 30 Highwaymen in Ashenside Fields.

Ashenside Wolf Slayer

Slay 40 Wolves in Ashenside Fields.

Ashenside Bandit Slayer

Slay 40 Bandits in Ashenside Fields.

Golemwoods Black Bear Hunter

Slay 35 Black Bears in Golemwoods.

Golemwoods Nature Golem Destroyer

Slay 40 Nature Golems in Golemwoods.

Golemwoods Rabbit Slayer

Slay 20 Rabbits in Golemwoods.

Prowler's Thicket Deer Hunter

Slay 75 Deer in Prowler's Thicket.

Prowler's Thicket Troll Slayer

Slay 120 Trolls in Prowler's Thicket.

Prowler's Thicket Pigeon Catcher

Slay 50 Pigeons in Prowler's Thicket.

Prowler's Thicket Vulture Catcher

Slay 20 Vultures in Prowler's Thicket.

Mistywood Rabbit Slayer

Slay 170 Rabbits in Mistywood.

Mistywood Forest Snake Hunter

Slay 140 Forest Snakes in Mistywood.

Mistywood Snail Crusher

Slay 60 Snails in Mistywood.

Mistywood Spider Slayer

Slay 100 Spiders in Mistywood.

Mistywood Giant Rat Exterminator

Slay 30 Giant Rats in Mistywood.

Mistywood Wolf Slayer

Slay 60 Wolves in Mistywood.

Mistywood Chicken Bane

Slay 20 Chickens in Mistywood.

Silvermirror Fen Slime Destroyer

Slay 75 Slimes in Silvermirror Fen.

Silvermirror Fen Crawler Exterminator

Slay 40 Crawlers in Silvermirror Fen.

Silvermirror Fen Mosquito Exterminator

Slay 400 Giant Mosquitoes in Silvermirror Fen.

Silvermirror Fen Lizardman Slayer

Slay 65 Lizardmen in Silvermirror Fen.

Silvermirror Fen Frog Hunter

Slay 20 Frogs in Silvermirror Fen.

Silvermirror Fen Tentacle Destroyer

Slay 60 Tentacle Creatures in Silvermirror Fen.

Thornhill Seagull Catcher

Slay 30 Seagulls in Thornhill.

Thornhill Rat Exterminator

Slay 30 Rats in Thornhill.

Thornhill Pigeon Catcher

Slay 60 Pigeons in Thornhill.

Thornhill Bear Hunter

Slay 25 Bears in Thornhill.

Thornhill Vulture Catcher

Slay 15 Vultures in Thornhill.

Thornhill Sheep Destroyer

Slay 50 Sheep in Thornhill.

Thornhill Sparrow Catcher

Slay 50 Sparrows in Thornhill.

Thornhill Wolf Slayer

Slay 30 Wolves in Thornhill.

Thornhill Cow Culler

Slay 100 Cows in Thornhill.

Fenwater Fox Hunter

Slay 10 Foxes in Fenwater.

Fenwater Deer Hunter

Slay 10 Deer in Fenwater.

Fenwater Chicken Bane

Slay 15 Chickens in Fenwater.

Harshwind Sparrow Catcher

Slay 25 Sparrows in Harshwind.

Harshwind Chicken Bane

Slay 10 Chickens in Harshwind.

Harshwind Deer Hunter

Slay 20 Deer in Harshwind.

Timberwell Pigeon Catcher

Slay 30 Pigeons in Timberwell.

Timberwell Sparrow Catcher

Slay 40 Sparrows in Timberwell.

Timberwell Bear Hunter

Slay 60 Bears in Timberwell.

Timberwell Outlaw Slayer

Slay 40 Outlaws in Timberwell.

Timberwell Cow Culler

Slay 30 Cows in Timberwell.

Timberwell Wolf Slayer

Slay 50 Wolves in Timberwell.

Thornhill Oak Feller

Cut 60 Oak Trees in Thornhill.

Fenwater Cotton Harvester

Harvest 20 Cotton in Fenwater.

Fenwater Copper Miner

Mine 50 Copper Ores in Fenwater.

Fenwater Spruce Feller

Cut 80 Spruce Trees in Fenwater.

Fenwater Oak Feller

Cut 40 Oak Trees in Fenwater.

Harshwind Potato Harvester

Harvest 40 Potatoes in Harshwind.

Harshwind Redberry Forager

Harvest 40 Redberries in Harshwind.

Harshwind Cotton Harvester

Harvest 100 Cotton in Harshwind.

Becoming a Merchant

Amass 100 000 coins.

Genuine Riches!

Amass 500 000 coins.

Putting Dragons to Shame

Amass 1 000 000 coins.

Lord of Many Houses

Buy 10 houses.


Defeat the Ghost of Greywall.

The Savior of Haywind!

Protect Haywind from the threat of the renegade wizard.

Industrial Revolution

Unlock the Shearston Loom and amass 100 Shearston Tokens.

Cutting Edge

Unlock the Thornbark Sawmill and amass 100 Thornbark Tokens.

Bear with me...

Equip the bear's head helm.

Squash it!

Equip the pumpkin head.

O' Captain, my Captain!

Equip Pirate Captain's overcoat, hat and cutlass.


Equip the Crustacean Helm.

I AM the Silvermirror Witch

Sit on the witch's throne.

Blessings of the Stone Father

Pray 5 times at the stone altar.

Horsy's Best Friend

Feed Horsy 100 carrots during your adventures.

Friend of Evergreen Hearth

Become the trusted outlander in Evergreen Hearth.

Wintervillage Festival Crasher

Complete all tasks at the village of Evergreen Hearth.

The Frozen Wilds

Complete all wilderness related tasks in Winterpine Forests.

Elemental Slayer

Defeat Zephirix, the Cruel Wind of the North.