Kimlinh Tran   Moorpark, California, United States
:fhappy: I share this account with my two younger siblings, so sometimes, you might actually be playing with them instead of me! If you're adding me as a friend, let me know who you are! :msfortune:

website []
Voice Acting Roles on Steam
Skullgirls - :msfortune: Ms. Fortune, Robo-Fortune
Dust: An Elysian Tail - :fhappy: Fidget
Shadowverse - Prophetess of Creation, Griffonback Guard
Wargroove - Ragna
Stick It To The Man! - Heart the Dog, Cranky Nurse, Maria, Beatrice the Dog, Maggie McAllister, Christina the Ghost Girl, Nurses, Black Widow, Alien Lady, Donna Grandiosa, Sentient Missile, Fetus, Soap Opera Woman
Zombie Vikings - Ravens, Duck Girl, Pinata Maggot, Toughy Scout, Maggot Guards, Sally the Maggot
Apotheon - Ares Warrior, Imprisoned Nymph
Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection - Exmachina
Detective Grimoire - Lady Weybridge
Haunt the House: Terrortown - :childghost: Ghost Boy, Winter Ghost, Steam Ghost, Humans
DreadOut - Dedemit Pintu, Jurig Pengantin, Palasik
Strain Tactics - Female Voices
A Tale of Two Kingdoms - Niamh
Quest for Infamy - Tara, Karina, Lady Kibble, Una the ♥♥♥♥♥, Tyr’s Arrow
Gemini Rue - Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV
Backstage Pass - Professor Meridia, Blanche
A More Beautiful World - Woman/Witch
Planet Stronghold: Colonial Defense - Diana Nelson
Loren The Amazon Princess - :loren: Loren
Always Remember Me - Amarantha Finch
Tibetan Quest: Beyond the World's End - Tibetan Child
Queen's Quest 2: Stories of Forgotten Past - Red Riding Hood, Princess, Gretel, Hansel, Ivy, Boy
Secret of Mana - Additional Voices
Red Goddess: Inner World - Divine
9 11. jan. 2023 kl. 10:34 
Do you support LGBTQ?
Xygloth 13. dec. 2022 kl. 20:38 
Keep up the fantastic work! Always happy to hear your voice acting every time you crush a role!
BlazePlexer 28. juni 2021 kl. 17:39 
Heya Kim, it's Suplex from your server, adding you as a friend.
soul707 20. dec. 2019 kl. 8:52 
Add me as friend. I'M this Enrc0 or "Качок Кабачок". As pay for your reading I would love to buy you steam gift-card!
soul707 20. dec. 2019 kl. 8:50 
Yes, this is me, so add me as freind and will see!
Rave Blitz 15. aug. 2019 kl. 23:00 
Hey Kim! Add me! <3 It's Rave Blitz from Twitch/Twitter