Beetroot(afk till pass the exam)
That was the Partridge Family's Doesn't Somebody Want To Be Wanted followed by Edison Lighthouse's Love Grows Where My Rosemary Goes as K-Billy's Super Sounds of the 70's weekend just keeps on truckin
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Today's Scientific Found----------------
Work Hack 101
For employers:
Did you know if you have your employees work past 12 p.m/
it counts as a new day, and you don't have to pay them any overtime salaries.

For employees

Don't poop or pee at home, or at any places that's not work.
Save it!
If you only poop at work, means you poop with pay.

Do it! Even if you are a driver! poop at work!
I play fat like a pro 9 hours ago 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
How to save on overtime pays
Did you know if you have your employees work past 12 p.m
it counts as a new day and not overtime at all
you don't have to pay them anything more than their basic.
Motizie 13 hours ago 
Today is my birthday! The saddest day of the year. Why do we celebrate that we have less time to live? :drewsad:
Korsted 21 hours ago 
Bad advice from Korsted

believe in yourself, because
who else is gonna be
to do it?
(Not me)
Hope you are having a wonderful day my dear friend!!
Finally the weekend I hope you have a wonderful time relaxing and lovely weather
:luv: :luv: :luv:
I play fat like a pro 24 May @ 12:19am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
What happens when an astronaut farts in the space suit?

I mean isn't that concerning?